View Full Version : Opinion Central (Official Thread)

08-14-2015, 08:54 AM
Please post updates and issues regarding Opinion Central in this thread.

Opinion Central looks like it is crediting fine this morning.

08-14-2015, 01:25 PM
Thanks Tricia.

08-26-2015, 03:28 PM
I just had the worst survey ever! Don't do it!!! its about smart phones and tablets. Started it at 10:57 and wasn't over til 12:08 pm!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!:computer: :computer: :computer:

09-01-2015, 01:31 PM
Hoping there will be a reset for September when I get home tonight :-)

09-01-2015, 05:47 PM
I'm all of a sudden seeing numbers going up as of a couple of hours ago.

09-01-2015, 06:33 PM
I'm all of a sudden seeing numbers going up as of a couple of hours ago.

got one!

09-09-2015, 06:10 PM
I haven't gotten credit for this survey for 9/8 nor 9/9. AFAIK, nothing has changed on my computer. I've gotten the correct completion screen. Is anyone else having problems? I noticed on the survey screen that this one is yellow and it's usually green.

09-10-2015, 01:56 PM
Got credit for the one on 9/9. Haven't tried anything yet today. I saw in another thread that this network was having issues. Thanks SR!

10-28-2015, 06:22 PM
So two days in a row I get the same survey on Social Media and it doesn't credit both days! If I get it tomorrow, I won't take it! So frustrating! :headache:

10-28-2015, 07:53 PM
So two days in a row I get the same survey on Social Media and it doesn't credit both days! If I get it tomorrow, I won't take it! So frustrating! :headache:
I think I had that one today. seemed like it went on forever, spent 20 minutes on it. wanted to pick what social media I would use for certain categories and some I did not use. next page it has one that I chose No Preference for and would not accept that answer, finally got out and started over.

10-29-2015, 01:35 PM
That social media survey has been my only choice for OC for more than two days now. Yesterday I didn't even bother to finish it because I knew that it wouldn't credit. Bummer!

10-29-2015, 06:34 PM
I got into the same survey again today but I wasn't going to be the fool for the third time! So when it asked which social media I used or how often, I said never and was booted out of the survey and got into another one immediately that I finished and got credit for.

12-08-2015, 12:17 PM
I did 6 survey's yesterday, and I saw the green light on this survey, so I thought I would give it another shot. I had a fairly long survey on media usage and once again no credit. I am done with this one, I never get credit from them. Bummer.

12-08-2015, 06:42 PM
I usually get credit from this company-but I have one that should have credited 20 minutes ago and nothing. It was on television/media as well. Those 100 entries for the holiday contest are looking less likely....

01-05-2016, 08:35 PM
I keep getting a survey asking if I watch specific TV channels. No matter what I answer, it goes to this page: http://www.insightexpress.com/ix/NoMoreNoMore Page Not found

Confirm that you have entered the URL correctly.
The page may have been removed.
Content may have expired.
Return to the Home Page

I can't get into any other surveys and it won't go past this page. I've tried several times.

03-14-2016, 07:06 PM
Havent been able to complete this since Friday, anyone else? As soon as I complete the demos it asks to close the browser

03-14-2016, 07:13 PM
getting it a lot since yesterday morning, have not seen this before. Have tried FF and IE.

OC is green, if people are getting them could you tell us which browser you are using?

03-14-2016, 07:20 PM
I'm using Chrome. I just finished one and it credited right away. Pretty short. Asks about my media habits then asks me to view an ad a couple of times.

Eek! Wait-I said I was using Chrome because that's the browser I always use-EXCEPT for OC. Chrome doesn't credit for me for OC. So, for OC, I was using IE.

03-14-2016, 07:29 PM
I'm using Chrome. I just finished one and it credited right away. Pretty short. Asks about my media habits then asks me to view an ad a couple of times.

Eek! Wait-I said I was using Chrome because that's the browser I always use-EXCEPT for OC. Chrome doesn't credit for me for OC. So, for OC, I was using IE.

I had that one yesterday, it did say close your browser, but I was shocked it did credit.


03-14-2016, 07:36 PM
getting it a lot since yesterday morning, have not seen this before. Have tried FF and IE.

OC is green, if people are getting them could you tell us which browser you are using?

IE and FF neither will work

03-14-2016, 07:48 PM
I had that one yesterday, it did say close your browser, but I was shocked it did credit.


I am not even getting the option to take one getting that right away

03-14-2016, 08:36 PM
About 32% of people who clicked on Opinion Central today got credit for a survey. So something must be working...I'm just not sure what!

03-15-2016, 08:47 AM
got it on the first try this morning.

04-26-2016, 10:37 AM
If Opinion Central is one of your "go to" surveys...don't forget that they usually turn them off toward the end of the month. So grab them while you still can!

08-03-2016, 02:15 PM
Has anyone gotten OC to credit today? I've tried twice. Gotten error message both times-and the survey stoplight is red. "Error message 1815582" is the message I've gotten.

08-03-2016, 02:26 PM
Has gotten OC to credit today? I've tried twice. Gotten error message both times-and the survey stoplight is red. "Error message 1815582" is the message I've gotten.

that is what I got this morning before work

08-03-2016, 02:33 PM
that is what I got this morning before work

Me to, been that way all day so far today,


08-03-2016, 03:14 PM
Glad to know it's not just me:headache:

08-03-2016, 11:35 PM
These should be fixed!

08-05-2016, 03:35 PM
Just took an ON survey that said it would last 3 minutes. It asked questions about whether I was a democrat or republican, etc. and a few other questions. Finished with a "Thank you for completing the survey. Appreciate your time." Did not get credit.

08-05-2016, 03:59 PM
Just took an ON survey that said it would last 3 minutes. It asked questions about whether I was a democrat or republican, etc. and a few other questions. Finished with a "Thank you for completing the survey. Appreciate your time." Did not get credit.

happens to me quite often with those really short ones. only a few minutes but annoying to complete and not get credit.
One thing I have noticed the last few months that the ones that I complete and get the correct completion page at the end, show up in my account eventually. not overnight but sometime between 6-7AM East Coast time.

03-08-2017, 09:28 PM
Bringing this one up from the depths because I think something going on, and it's not just me. I tried 3 different times today to get into this survey without any luck. Couldn't get in at all. Just an error message. And I noticed that this one is red and that's rare, unless it's the end of the month and they've run out of surveys.

Anyone else?

03-08-2017, 09:51 PM
Bringing this one up from the depths because I think something going on, and it's not just me. I tried 3 different times today to get into this survey without any luck. Couldn't get in at all. Just an error message. And I noticed that this one is red and that's rare, unless it's the end of the month and they've run out of surveys.

Anyone else?

Yes same thing happening to me tonight too

03-09-2017, 07:19 AM
put my demos in and this:

Thank you for trying to participate in our survey. However, the survey has achieved its desired number of completions. Thanks again for participating!

03-09-2017, 10:44 AM
put my demos in and this:

Thank you for trying to participate in our survey. However, the survey has achieved its desired number of completions. Thanks again for participating!
Me to, I think maybe they are tired of giving the same survey day after day, hopefully they get something else beside pets and going thre panel.


03-09-2017, 08:34 PM
Just got word from the network that they paused this because conversions were so bad. Apparently the company ran out of surveys in the router?? He said he hopes that they fix it and will let us know when he hears more.

03-15-2017, 02:27 PM
Ok, I'm at a loss. Logged in just now and I see "debit reversal", and surveys listed for two surveys from ON. Does that mean they've contested surveys that I did? They didn't like my answers?

That makes no sense. After all these years of doing surveys, I've learned what NOT to do....

Yet, as far as I can tell, my monetary total has remained the same from yesterday to today.

03-15-2017, 02:32 PM
They did reverse a HUGE chunk of surveys on us. So many that if we had not reversed them, we would have actually made less than what we paid out for the last month. We tend to not reverse about 90% of the survey reversals that come back to us and just try to absorb the cost. But this batch was so big. :(

I will say that in a couple of instances, they reversed EVERY person who took a particular survey. So I don't think it was anything you did wrong (which is why we try to absorb the costs most of the time). There is nothing at all that we can do. Basically when we have complained about it they just tell us maybe we shouldn't credit our members until we know for sure they aren't reversing the credits. But because that can be over a month, that would be even worse.

03-15-2017, 02:47 PM
They did reverse a HUGE chunk of surveys on us. So many that if we had not reversed them, we would have actually made less than what we paid out for the last month. We tend to not reverse about 90% of the survey reversals that come back to us and just try to absorb the cost. But this batch was so big. :(

I will say that in a couple of instances, they reversed EVERY person who took a particular survey. So I don't think it was anything you did wrong (which is why we try to absorb the costs most of the time). There is nothing at all that we can do. Basically when we have complained about it they just tell us maybe we shouldn't credit our members until we know for sure they aren't reversing the credits. But because that can be over a month, that would be even worse.

I had one reversed. what makes me pretty mad is that in the last 3 weeks or so I have had 6-8 that I completed and got the correct congratulations page but no credit. were only under a $ each but it makes me mad that they take back money from me ( and SR) but it's OK for them to keep my completed surveys and not pay me or SR. I estimate they owe me around $3-4 for those surveys. Where's my money? used to get those credits 3-5 days later now they just keep it.

Tricia, I know you can't do anything about it; just does not seem right.

03-15-2017, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the explanation Tricia. Interesting to hear that they reversed every one of a certain survey. I certainly didn't do anything different than I've always done. And this reversal does go back quite a ways. I found both the surveys they reversed-one from 2/8 but one from 1/27.

With these two and the ones that haven't credited even with the correct page, I figure they owe me $3-4 in the last month alone.

Ok...vent over...but it still stinks!

03-15-2017, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the explanation Tricia. Interesting to hear that they reversed every one of a certain survey. I certainly didn't do anything different than I've always done. And this reversal does go back quite a ways. I found both the surveys they reversed-one from 2/8 but one from 1/27.

With these two and the ones that haven't credited even with the correct page, I figure they owe me $3-4 in the last month alone.

Ok...vent over...but it still stinks!

I had 2 reversed today and again so frustrating because so many dont credit!

03-21-2017, 01:33 PM
Just as a clarification....the SR Opinion Network ones were the ones that were reversed. Opinion Central doesn't reverse anything.

And on that note...we were just told that Opinion Network is finally back for the month and they supposedly want a lot of traffic on it because they didn't have it for the past few weeks. So hopefully that means there are a lot of new surveys for everyone!

03-21-2017, 02:27 PM
Just as a clarification....the SR Opinion Network ones were the ones that were reversed. Opinion Central doesn't reverse anything.

Yep, I realized after I posted the initial complaint that I posted under the wrong company:blush: But credit where credit is due-I had an SR network show up today in my account-nice BIG credit.

Very good news about ON-will go try now.

03-21-2017, 03:05 PM
And on that note...we were just told that Opinion Network is finally back for the month and they supposedly want a lot of traffic on it because they didn't have it for the past few weeks. So hopefully that means there are a lot of new surveys for everyone!

tried, still getting kicked out of 80% of the ones I click on. Would love to do some, has been the same since the first of the year, barely get into 20%. has never been this bad. almost would rather not see any at all.

03-21-2017, 03:57 PM
tried, still getting kicked out of 80% of the ones I click on. Would love to do some, has been the same since the first of the year, barely get into 20%. has never been this bad. almost would rather not see any at all.

Are you talking about Opinion Central or the SR Opinion Network? Opinion Central is the one that just started back up and we only have 1 link for them.

03-21-2017, 04:02 PM
Are you talking about Opinion Central or the SR Opinion Network? Opinion Central is the one that just started back up and we only have 1 link for them.

I am confused. I saw this:

"...we were just told that Opinion Network is finally back for the month and they supposedly want a lot of traffic on it because they didn't have it for the past few weeks. So hopefully that means there are a lot of new surveys for everyone!"

and thought you meant ON had lots of surveys.

It's Opinion Central right? :)

03-21-2017, 04:07 PM
I am confused. I saw this:

"...we were just told that Opinion Network is finally back for the month and they supposedly want a lot of traffic on it because they didn't have it for the past few weeks. So hopefully that means there are a lot of new surveys for everyone!"

and thought you meant ON had lots of surveys.

It's Opinion Central right? :)

Sorry!! Yes. Opinion Central!

06-14-2017, 10:06 AM
Question about ON. Tried to get in to try a survey the last 2 mornings. After I fill out the initial demographic questions(blue page), I click and I get "sorry this survey has reached it's desired number of completions...." from a company named Millwood and Brown(I think). I see that ON is green so someone is getting thru.

Have I been banned? That would be a shame because even though the reward was small, I could count on it most days....


06-14-2017, 10:09 AM
Question about ON. Tried to get in to try a survey the last 2 mornings. After I fill out the initial demographic questions(blue page), I click and I get "sorry this survey has reached it's desired number of completions...." from a company named Millwood and Brown(I think). I see that ON is green so someone is getting thru.

Have I been banned? That would be a shame because even though the reward was small, I could count on it most days....


So you mean the SR Opinion Network, not Opinion Central?

06-14-2017, 10:12 AM
Question about ON. Tried to get in to try a survey the last 2 mornings. After I fill out the initial demographic questions(blue page), I click and I get "sorry this survey has reached it's desired number of completions...." from a company named Millwood and Brown(I think). I see that ON is green so someone is getting thru.

Have I been banned? That would be a shame because even though the reward was small, I could count on it most days....


I got the same error this morning, and OC is red now.

no problems yesterday but I do OC early and am on the East Coast

06-14-2017, 10:53 AM
ARGH!! They send me an email saying that they need more traffic and want to know what I am going to do to send it. Then we all try the survey and the darn thing is broken!!

So just to clarify...

SR Opinion Network is okay (light is green, I just took one and got credit)
Opinion Central is NOT okay (light is red, I got the same error as the rest of you)

So I have emailed the network about OC to tell them we can't send them traffic until the confirm it is fixed.

06-14-2017, 12:57 PM
ARGH!! They send me an email saying that they need more traffic and want to know what I am going to do to send it. Then we all try the survey and the darn thing is broken!!

So just to clarify...

SR Opinion Network is okay (light is green, I just took one and got credit)
Opinion Central is NOT okay (light is red, I got the same error as the rest of you)

So I have emailed the network about OC to tell them we can't send them traffic until the confirm it is fixed.

Geez-I'm usually more on the ball than that-YES-it's OC that I'm having problems with(and others I guess) it was Opinion Network that was green. Sorry!

06-20-2017, 08:05 AM
the OC link is back instead of YS but it's the same broken one from last week

07-07-2017, 09:16 AM
I do not understand why Option goes green at times when it is clearly not working still goes to Your, can you answer that question Trish.


07-07-2017, 09:17 AM
I do not understand why Option goes green at times when it is clearly not working still goes to Your, can you answer that question Trish.


My guess is that people are just doing whichever survey it takes them to. And since they complete the other one, we still get credit. When we get credit, the member gets credit. This particular survey has been a disaster for the last month for some reason! Constantly going up and down.

07-07-2017, 09:26 AM
have not seen a link that was working for what, 3 weeks?

07-07-2017, 09:31 AM
have not seen a link that was working for what, 3 weeks?

It went down and then supposedly came back up and then went down again pretty quickly. I just checked the raw data and it looks like people are, indeed, completing the Your Surveys ones when they click through Opinion Central. The surveys pay out the same so it is actually okay. So they are actually getting 2 Your Surveys each day...but one credits as Opinion Central. I think technically you can complete 3 Your Surveys in a day as long as you aren't changing your demographic information. We just have it set up in our system as one to keep people from going crazy with them and cheating.

07-07-2017, 09:35 AM
I am a little confused with that, I always thought if survey was down, and we took the one in its place, it was a waste of time. We have Your survey, which I do not get that at all.


07-07-2017, 09:43 AM
I am a little confused with that, I always thought if survey was down, and we took the one in its place, it was a waste of time. We have Your survey, which I do not get that at all.


It's confusing because it depends on the survey. As long as we get credit for it, we pass the credit along. In this case, the network is redirecting the traffic itself to what they consider a comparable survey and so they are paying us for it. As long as the survey company pays us, I will happily pay the members!

07-17-2017, 11:12 AM
I am guessing that OC is gone? It's been over a month since we had a working link for their surveys.

I did get into one of theirs in the last few days through Live; DNQ.

07-17-2017, 03:13 PM
They haven't told us that it is gone for good yet---just that they are still having problems. So I think it could go either way?

08-04-2017, 06:31 PM
looks like they are back, completed one and got credit;)

08-04-2017, 06:58 PM
Yes! I got credit for one also. it's so silly how I get excited about a 50 cent survey.....

08-04-2017, 07:11 PM
Yes! I got credit for one also. it's so silly how I get excited about a 50 cent survey.....

lol, me too. not many surveys tonight, kicked out of 5-6 ON so happy to get OC.

08-04-2017, 09:27 PM
lol, me too. not many surveys tonight, kicked out of 5-6 ON so happy to get OC.

I did to, I saw it was green earlier and was surprised when it was not Your again, glad it is back.


08-08-2017, 11:42 AM
tried OC twice this AM before I left for the office and got:

Thank you for trying to participate in our survey. However, the survey has achieved its desired number of completions. Thanks again for participating!

it's red so I guess I am not the only one

08-08-2017, 02:08 PM
My patience is growing VERY thin with this company....

I emailed our contact to see why conversions are at zero (after sending out 10,000 emails to SR members encouraging them to take the survey). Apparently they are all of a sudden not having many surveys to take and they are going to pause it again.

This might be my last strike on promoting them. I'll leave them on SR for when they come back again, but I'm not going to actively encourage people to try them when we know how much they keep going up and down.

08-08-2017, 07:53 PM
My patience is growing VERY thin with this company....

I emailed our contact to see why conversions are at zero (after sending out 10,000 emails to SR members encouraging them to take the survey). Apparently they are all of a sudden not having many surveys to take and they are going to pause it again.

This might be my last strike on promoting them. I'll leave them on SR for when they come back again, but I'm not going to actively encourage people to try them when we know how much they keep going up and down.

Trish I think the reason is for them, it is always the same survey you get, even though you took it before, Before they left it was always registed for there panel, everyday, then at Christmas it would be a Poinsetta surye. Now it was shopping survey, which they have had in the past. They do not reach out to get new survey just keep recycling the same ones. Maybe they are trying to get another one.


08-29-2017, 02:49 PM
I can't make any promises, but supposedly this is working again.

08-29-2017, 03:17 PM
I can't make any promises, but supposedly this is working again.

thanks, I will try one. end of the month so "slim pickins" from the other surveys so would be nice to have OC as an option again.

08-29-2017, 06:38 PM
completed one and it credited

08-29-2017, 06:55 PM
completed one and it credited

I tried it also, waiting now.


08-31-2017, 09:19 AM
back to going into YS; did get one Tues/Wed. It's the end of the month, will try tomorrow

08-31-2017, 10:28 AM
back to going into YS; did get one Tues/Wed. It's the end of the month, will try tomorrow

They still did the same thing for the 2 days back, same survey each time, they need to expand there search for new surveys, I am sure that is why keep going down.


09-20-2018, 09:36 AM
These just keep sending you all to Your Surveys only they pay out .50 instead of .60 so I am going to remove them. I'd hate for you to take the survey through the Opinion Central link and earn less for it than if you took the exact same survey through Your Surveys!