View Full Version : offers help answer deleted?

03-31-2008, 05:44 PM
Let's see - someone earlier posted a question about doing the gold/silver offers in the freebie offers, and I answered it. It did happen to be in the daily survey thread - but I answered it anyway, and thought it could be moved if necessary. Now I see both seem to have been deleted - and I wonder why. Didn't seem to be an inappropriate question to me, nor did I think my answer inappropriate, as I have seen a similar comment posted before that wasn't deleted. I know it wasn't in the right thread, but I thought the question deserved an answer - and I can't move posts around, so I answered it where it was! So did I do something wrong, or just can't see where it was moved?

03-31-2008, 05:49 PM
Our advertisers would have a cow if they read threads where it explains how not to complete an offer and still get credit. The advertisers are paying you to complete offers, so we cannot allow any advice on the board which tells you how to get around it.