View Full Version : LiveSample Survey (Official Thread)

08-14-2015, 09:01 AM
Please post updates and issues regarding LiveSample in this thread.

08-28-2015, 08:44 AM
completed Live this morning on instant coffee, got the correct congratulations page and no credit after 2 hours

08-31-2015, 11:30 AM
Question for Tricia -
On 8/26 I completed a survey that went to an "Oops"page. I reported it through their customer service link. On 8/27 I received a response stating they fixed the issue and my account would be credited within 24 hours. Will that credit come through SR?

08-31-2015, 04:12 PM
If they said it would be credited, then it should come through. We have never had any kind of connection with anyone there to give us manual credits like that. If you didn't see it come through, you can open a TT and I will see if maybe they credited it without a subid or something. But I have never seen anything like that.

08-31-2015, 04:55 PM
I opened a TT and copied the email sent. Thanks!

09-09-2015, 01:06 PM
Tricia did you hear anything on this? No credit ever came through for this one. The email they sent said credit should be received by 8/28.
Thanks for all you do.

09-09-2015, 05:18 PM
I show a credit for you on the 27th and a credit on the 28th. No credits without subids. If those credits were from surveys you actually took on the 27th and 28th, then they did not give us an extra credit. If one of those days you did not take one, that would be the other credit. Other than that, I don't see anything in the system at all that would indicate that they credited us. :(

09-09-2015, 08:00 PM
I took one on the 27th and 28th. I'll see if I can reply to their email. There was a name on it.

09-16-2015, 09:05 AM
Completed a Live this morning that did not credit, I did get the congrats page. Survey was a YouGov on office software. I have been burned many times with PSB(can't remember the new name) from Live for the same Brand, complete it and at the end get sorry. It's happened so many times if I get one for this brand through Live I get out because they never credit. Todays was YouGov so I gave it a shot and no credit. I will not be taking anymore Live surveys for this brand, not worth it.

09-16-2015, 04:38 PM
I took one on the 27th and 28th. I'll see if I can reply to their email. There was a name on it.

They responded. Said the credit would go thru you. So I guess it's not worth my time to point out to them that there is a problem with their survey. They fixed the problem and said I would receive credit within 24 hours. I didn't and you didn't.... Poor customer service from them.

10-12-2015, 04:23 PM
today I have taken two surveys on live sample and the survey says 100% complete and then I get the page that says I did not qualify and now it tells me I can't attempt to take anymore :computer:

01-05-2016, 05:54 PM
spent 15 minutes today on a Nielsen survey through Live, then get a page saying they are closing the page and then no more Lives.

01-14-2016, 08:08 AM
Live Sample changed their sign in format. You still sign in with your email. But now they have gone to the format of asking a ton of sign on questions. I liked the old way, they would find you a survey, most times I qualified. Now it is questions after questions and repeated over and over trying to qualify.

01-28-2016, 04:44 PM
Anyone else get a "file not found 404 message" from LS when you click on it to enter from the main SR page?

01-28-2016, 05:09 PM
Anyone else get a "file not found 404 message" from LS when you click on it to enter from the main SR page?

Yes the same thing happened to me.

01-28-2016, 05:09 PM
I think they are having some downtime today but should be back up this evening.

01-28-2016, 07:56 PM
Yes the same thing happened to me.

Glad to hear it wasn't just me. I was able to get in later on this afternoon-as Tricia said. Not that they had anything for me:(-but at least I know it's working.

03-17-2016, 10:22 PM
I see a bunch of credits for Live Sample on the contest page, and over the last week I keep getting a message that there are no surveys and try again tomorrow.

04-18-2016, 08:37 AM
have not gotten into a single Live for several days now, immediately get:
Thank you for trying

Sorry, no surveys are available right now.

•You may have reached the maximum limit of surveys allowed in a day.
•We may be out of surveys for which you qualify today.

Don't worry, we are adding new surveys all the time. Just check back tomorrow for more opportunities.

never had this happen b4 for so long; they always have surveys. red all day Saturday, was green for awhile yesterday so someone got one.

Anyone else having issues?

04-19-2016, 10:16 AM
I see a bunch of credits for Live Sample on the contest page, and over the last week I keep getting a message that there are no surveys and try again tomorrow.

I am getting that since last Friday, have you been able to get into Live since this post?

04-19-2016, 10:20 AM
Guessing that for some reason I have been "banned" by Live. day 4 of not even getting in to even try one. Friday morning got booted from 2-3 and then "sorry, no more surveys" which was not all that odd; usually would be successful after work. later on I noticed that I had a Live credit for Friday.

It's yellow/green so members are getting them. Stinks I as was getting Live every day and to lose one that I could pretty much all the time.

Never, ever not been able to get into Live this long since they were added to SR

04-19-2016, 10:59 AM
I am getting that since last Friday, have you been able to get into Live since this post?
Nope, never no survey's for me. I am probably banned for some reason.

04-19-2016, 05:07 PM
Nope, never no survey's for me. I am probably banned for some reason.

sorry that it's happened to you too. Live used to be green most of the time, now it's yellow/red; makes me think it's more than just 2 members. Maybe at some point Tricia will see this and look into it

06-04-2016, 09:30 AM
When this was first posted, I was still getting Live almost every day. Now, I seem to be among the banned as I get an immediate nonqualification even when it's red.

I also have been kicked out of "Your Suveys." I get a screen that says I've been blocked. I file their trouble ticket thing but nothing has happened.

I play by the rules, and this is very frustrating.

m 'n c
06-04-2016, 11:08 PM
When this was first posted, I was still getting Live almost every day. Now, I seem to be among the banned as I get an immediate nonqualification even when it's red.

I also have been kicked out of "Your Suveys." I get a screen that says I've been blocked. I file their trouble ticket thing but nothing has happened.

I play by the rules, and this is very frustrating.

Me too on Live. :( Sad to hear about Your Surveys as that is my new go to right now.

06-13-2016, 09:17 PM
I think Live is gone now, its been red for over a week, and I went to One Opinion site where there used to be surveys nothing there either. Trish has not been on here in a while either, if you see this can you check it out
and see if they are not having surveys anymore


06-13-2016, 09:52 PM
sad to see Live gone, used to get that one just about every day. :cry:. thought just some of us were banned, guess it's everyone

06-14-2016, 02:09 PM
I've gotten 2 Lives to credit this month(don't try them every day). I tried yesterday after ON had nothing for me. It was red when I tried. Tried 3 different surveys that they sent me to and wasn't able to get anything. But, it seemed to be working regularly. I'll check and see the date of the last credit I have....

PS: on June 8 I have a credit for Live. So, less than a week ago.

06-14-2016, 04:24 PM
Mine was also on 6-8th nothing since then and it red all day and night since that day.


06-15-2016, 08:03 PM
I checked One Opinion which is Live today, spoke with rep and she said they are having issues with Live Sample now, and they are working to fix it, did not get a time frame, however at least we know something is wrong and its probably not our accounts.
I jointed there thru here several years ago, you can do surveys there she told me, I said I would just wait until its fixed for panels, that is alos why Tap was not approving, is Live sample it goes through/


06-15-2016, 08:27 PM
I checked One Opinion which is Live today, spoke with rep and she said they are having issues with Live Sample now, and they are working to fix it, did not get a time frame, however at least we know something is wrong and its probably not our accounts.
I jointed there thru here several years ago, you can do surveys there she told me, I said I would just wait until its fixed for panels, that is alos why Tap was not approving, is Live sample it goes through/


thanks for checking and for the update. Hope my being banned is something that can be fixed too

06-21-2016, 01:31 PM
We are getting a few credits here and there but not much. I am waiting to hear back from them.

06-21-2016, 02:37 PM
According to LiveSample, anyone who is not seeing surveys had their account blocked for fraud because they created "multiple accounts" to access surveys. I'm not sure if that means through SR or using multiple rewards programs?

06-21-2016, 02:52 PM
According to LiveSample, anyone who is not seeing surveys had their account blocked for fraud because they created "multiple accounts" to access surveys. I'm not sure if that means through SR or using multiple rewards programs?

my account went one morning getting into surveys (did not qualify for a few), tried again got booted (but got a credit) and that was the last time I got into one. Only used my SR e-mail address.

after a few weeks with never getting into one I tried another e-mail address, no luck, Used their contact us feature and got an confused answer like they did not understand what I was asking.

then I tried my work laptop at the office (different sever) and a third email address but no luck either. which led me to believe that my SR account was the problem.

I did use other e-mail accounts after weeks of not getting in to any surveys. But the last day I ever had any survey to take I was using the SR e-mail address I had always used and did have several to try that day.

I belong to another rewards program that I do surveys though but I signed up through SR and that company (Toluna) has nothing to do with Live I don't think.

odd that so many SR members are banned as the light red almost all the time now.

06-21-2016, 03:12 PM
I'm trying to get more information from them. I asked them if it was a problem that members are using multiple different routers (like Tap Router, etc) while also using LiveSample. I haven't heard back about that. If that is the case, that is NOT the members' fault at all.

06-22-2016, 02:29 PM
I completed my first Live Sample today since June 8th. Same email address I've always used, correct completion page-everything looks the way it should. But, it's been two hours now since completion and no credit.

So, I may not be "banned" but I didn't get credit either.

I'll wait to hear more from you Trisha before trying any more.


07-05-2016, 09:00 PM
I completed my first Live Sample today since June 8th. Same email address I've always used, correct completion page-everything looks the way it should. But, it's been two hours now since completion and no credit.

So, I may not be "banned" but I didn't get credit either.

I'll wait to hear more from you Trisha before trying any more.


Any more word on Live Sample? My mistake-I should have remembered this thread. After trying all the companies I usually try and getting no where, I tried Live today. Two hours and no credit....

07-05-2016, 09:19 PM
Any more word on Live Sample? My mistake-I should have remembered this thread. After trying all the companies I usually try and getting no where, I tried Live today. Two hours and no credit....

I tried the other day, just curious and got a new message that clearly says I am banned. Before I just immediately got "no surveys" or something like that.

m 'n c
07-07-2016, 02:42 PM
I tried the other day, just curious and got a new message that clearly says I am banned. Before I just immediately got "no surveys" or something like that.

Me too. I wonder if it is because I had signed up with One Opinion or whatever their network is called. I didn't realize they were the same. :(

07-07-2016, 03:04 PM
Me too. I wonder if it is because I had signed up with One Opinion or whatever their network is called. I didn't realize they were the same. :(

I do not think that is the issue, it was here that we signed up for the panel when it first began, that was several years ago now. We also used to get Invovke surveys with them by taking there surveys here. Mime also sates the same thing as you guys got, but One Opinion site is still up and working, not sure.

Surveyhead is the same they have a online survey panel site, where you can take surveys, but here they have been gone since April I think.


08-03-2016, 11:03 AM
LiveSample has supposedly changed their survey process so that many of you are now not banned. Can you give it a shot today and let me know if it makes a difference?

08-03-2016, 03:50 PM
I wasn't banned by Live but I have never gotten credit for the last 2-3 surveys I've done with them either. Since June I think was the last time I got credit.

Just tried with them again and everything looks typical. I was able to try to get about 8 different surveys before I gave up. Just don't have that kind of time.

08-03-2016, 04:30 PM
I wasn't banned by Live but I have never gotten credit for the last 2-3 surveys I've done with them either. Since June I think was the last time I got credit.

Just tried with them again and everything looks typical. I was able to try to get about 8 different surveys before I gave up. Just don't have that kind of time.

I just saw this message about Live, I was able to get in, and that is a first since early June. Easy survey 5 minutes, now waiting to see what happens, will post a update. Not sure about crediting times, used to be 9 minutes after the hour.
Would be great if it comes back, missing Survey Head also, they send me surveys to my email several times a day so I know they are fixed, notdoing them, holding out to see if they come back, when down also in APril.


08-03-2016, 05:18 PM
I just saw this message about Live, I was able to get in, and that is a first since early June. Easy survey 5 minutes, now waiting to see what happens, will post a update. Not sure about crediting times, used to be 9 minutes after the hour.
Would be great if it comes back, missing Survey Head also, they send me surveys to my email several times a day so I know they are fixed, notdoing them, holding out to see if they come back, when down also in APril.


Live did not credit, its past the time that it should of been a credit. Can you let us know what is going on now? This us what I got like before.

You're one step closer to winning one of our amazing prizes!
You have successfully completed the survey AND received an entry into our sweepstakes.

If you came to LiveSample through a referral site, we also just let them you know you completed your survey.

Got time? Take more surveys to rack up those sweepstakes entries! Just click the button below to look for another opportunity.

Take another survey

08-03-2016, 05:24 PM
Live did not credit, its past the time that it should of been a credit. Can you let us know what is going on now? This us what I got like before.

You're one step closer to winning one of our amazing prizes!
You have successfully completed the survey AND received an entry into our sweepstakes.

If you came to LiveSample through a referral site, we also just let them you know you completed your survey.

Got time? Take more surveys to rack up those sweepstakes entries! Just click the button below to look for another opportunity.

Take another survey

Credits are coming through so let me just see if they changed the reporting or something like that.

08-03-2016, 05:29 PM
still banned. Their loss, lots of other places I can take surveys.

08-03-2016, 05:36 PM
Credits are coming through so let me just see if they changed the reporting or something like that.

Ok not problem with waiting


08-04-2016, 08:24 AM
Ok not problem with waiting


I got a Live credit from yesterday, not from 6-8th, the last one I took, but the light is red what is the status of these cresting now.


Did one today, will post later if it credits, on my way out now. It credited for me today, not sure of the time was not home.

#2960287 Credit: LiveSample Daily Survey 08/04/2016 0.75 Credits 08/04/2016 Paid

m 'n c
08-04-2016, 10:57 AM
still banned. Their loss, lots of other places I can take surveys.

Me too. Oh well.

08-04-2016, 02:29 PM
I had two back credits in my account today. That was nice to see. I'll try them later today and see what I get.

08-04-2016, 04:45 PM
I'm still banned.

08-04-2016, 08:23 PM
I had a credit show up today, so I will wait until tomorrow to give them a try.

08-05-2016, 03:32 PM
I am still banned.

08-05-2016, 06:14 PM
Ditto, still banned.

08-23-2016, 12:42 PM
We have found a problem with either verifying your identity, or are having an issue with
some of the answers you gave to questions we have previously asked. Unfortunately,
we cannot allow you to take surveys at this time. If you feel like you have received
this message in error, please reach out to member care here.

This is the message I received. I emailed member care.

08-23-2016, 01:35 PM
We have found a problem with either verifying your identity, or are having an issue with
some of the answers you gave to questions we have previously asked. Unfortunately,
we cannot allow you to take surveys at this time. If you feel like you have received
this message in error, please reach out to member care here.

This is the message I received. I emailed member care.

I got the same message back in April (I think) and e-mailed member care. never got any acceptable answer; they did not seem to understand that I was doing their surveys through SR. I am still banned.
used to get their surveys almost every day; figure I am losing at least $20/month.

08-23-2016, 02:11 PM
I got the same message back in April (I think) and e-mailed member care. never got any acceptable answer; they did not seem to understand that I was doing their surveys through SR. I am still banned.
used to get their surveys almost every day; figure I am losing at least $20/month.

I thought Tricia cleared this up for us. Bummer.

08-23-2016, 02:18 PM
I thought Tricia cleared this up for us. Bummer.

I think she was able to get it fixed for most members but some us are still banned. It is a bummer as they almost always had surveys to try for.

11-08-2016, 05:55 PM
It's been awhile since we talked about LiveSample. The conversion rate seems to be really high on them (the earnings per click are higher than almost any of our other surveys for this month). How are they going for all of you?

11-08-2016, 06:51 PM
I'm still banned.:mad:

11-08-2016, 07:36 PM
I think this may be a new message, but I'm still banned.

No surveys
There are no surveys for you to take at this time. Survey availability is based on the specific needs of our clients. There may be periods of time that you are simply not offered any surveys to take, and that is completely normal. Please try again in the next 2-3 weeks when we expect to have more surveys.

12-05-2016, 09:53 AM
I guess I am not banned anymore :) I have been getting Live off and on recently and now 3 days in a row. Not sure if they decided my "punishment" was up or the fact that I ditched FF, installed Chrome and started using a different e-mail address than my SR one. Glad to have the Live surveys as an option again.

12-05-2016, 06:59 PM
I guess I am not banned anymore :) I have been getting Live off and on recently and now 3 days in a row. Not sure if they decided my "punishment" was up or the fact that I ditched FF, installed Chrome and started using a different e-mail address than my SR one. Glad to have the Live surveys as an option again.

I am having a different experience with Live, the last couple of days they do not credit for me in Chrome, I have to go back and try again with FF and it a couple hours later. Never had that problem since they came back, I am not sure what to think. Like you Scard, much easier survey, not as long as GF and a better reward.


12-12-2016, 11:17 PM
I've not qualified for a Live Survey yet, but it appears I'm back in good graces. I've tried three different browsers and didn't qualify on any.

07-07-2017, 09:13 AM
Live is not working today, took a survey and when I got rejected it kept want my email, which you do not have to do, Live software detechs that, so I thought something was up. Finished the 3d shopping survey and it told me not qualified and I completed it.It has been red also. Trish can you see if they know this is not working right today.


07-07-2017, 09:16 AM
Live is not working today, took a survey and when I got rejected it kept want my email, which you do not have to do, Live software detechs that, so I thought something was up. Finished the 3d shopping survey and it told me not qualified and I completed it.It has been red also. Trish can you see if they know this is not working right today.


Unfortunately, they are one that doesn't respond to emails. :(

07-07-2017, 09:25 AM
Live is not working today, took a survey and when I got rejected it kept want my email, which you do not have to do, Live software detechs that, so I thought something was up. Finished the 3d shopping survey and it told me not qualified and I completed it.It has been red also. Trish can you see if they know this is not working right today.


I got into a few, DNQ, then asked for my e-mail and then said no surveys for me now. This was before I left for work.

07-07-2017, 09:32 AM
Ok just will hae to wait on them to know it is not working, maybe someone will complete one and it will work. I will try again later on, thanks for your prompt answer.


07-07-2017, 09:34 AM
since I was "unbanned" back in December, get Live just about every day. Hopefully will be working later.

07-07-2017, 10:11 AM
I agree same for me, very seldom do I not get one.


07-07-2017, 04:19 PM
I agree same for me, very seldom do I not get one.


My Live I did this morning that said I did not complete it just credited, so they figured it out.


07-07-2017, 05:50 PM
I will give it a shot and post.

07-07-2017, 06:26 PM
completed one and got the correct end page, will see at 7:09 if it credits

it credited

07-07-2017, 07:22 PM
completed one and got the correct end page, will see at 7:09 if it credits

it credited

Glad to hear that.


06-12-2018, 07:27 PM
Do not usually have a problem with Live, today after the 1st ? they came back with a 2nd ?, what is your favorite memory from childhood, same as PSB. I answered the same way I always do with PSB, I said Christmas morning, which is always been good enough since that is the truth, next thing I know it kicked me out saying I did not read the ? or an answer it to quickly. Said come back tomorrow and try again, so I see today Live has been red all day, which that is always green. I am thinking people had the same problem I did today. Is that right?


06-12-2018, 07:37 PM
Do not usually have a problem with Live, today after the 1st ? they came back with a 2nd ?, what is your favorite memory from childhood, same as PSB. I answered the same way I always do with PSB, I said Christmas morning, which is always been good enough since that is the truth, next thing I know it kicked me out saying I did not read the ? or an answer it to quickly. Said come back tomorrow and try again, so I see today Live has been red all day, which that is always green. I am thinking people had the same problem I did today. Is that right?


exact same thing happened to me, they do have trick questions to kick you out but I know I completed that one: summers at the beach :-)

06-12-2018, 08:33 PM
Maybe we need to take longer to submit the anwser, yours was short like mine, I will take more time tomorrow.


06-13-2018, 07:17 AM
I did get Live today. answered the trick question, then got the box where you had to type an answer; did a 3 sentence response. Had to do this 5 times as I kept getting sent into closed surveys that did not go back to the Live page. did manage to finally complete one

06-13-2018, 09:05 AM
I did get Live today. answered the trick question, then got the box where you had to type an answer; did a 3 sentence response. Had to do this 5 times as I kept getting sent into closed surveys that did not go back to the Live page. did manage to finally complete one

Same thing happen to me kept getting closed surveys, had to keep saying same thing over and over, then told me no more surveys. They sure are trying to keep us from getting surveys, Live has never been like this before, I will see what happens later today.


06-13-2018, 09:11 AM
Same thing happen to me kept getting closed surveys, had to keep saying same thing over and over, then told me no more surveys. They sure are trying to keep us from getting surveys, Live has never been like this before, I will see what happens later today.


I wonder if they have fewer because more people are taking them as there are not many to try anyone. Also have had some recently that I get to the end and see "unfortunately...", that was very rare with Live in the past and now happening more and more

06-13-2018, 10:30 AM
This month has been terrible, so many are the ones we do have have errors, do not complete at the end of course. Now I see Cube has disappear again, offer not available. Junes is worse than January this year.


06-13-2018, 10:35 AM
I'm looking at last year's numbers and June was pretty low as well. We were down in Toluna, SaySo, and a couple we run through networks (they don't break down in my report). The only one that was up last June was SR Opinion Network.

In general, June is a very slow month for affiliate marketing...so it may be a slow month for marketing money in general. Lots of people are out on vacations (which means surveys don't get procured OR added to the system as regularly). And companies aren't willing to spend as much money online when they know people are offline doing outdoorsy stuff. July doesn't look like it was fabulous last year either. But then things seemed to pick up in August and sped along upward through the end of the year.

We WILL be getting a couple of our surveys back direct in the next couple of weeks. We've signed contracts but just have some tech things to do to get them working again (I think including Cube).

06-13-2018, 10:44 AM
I always figure this month won't be good as we get further into the month as it is coming to the end of a quarter and maybe that effects the number of surveys.

Hope I don't jinx myself, but DS has been the best for me the last couple of months; get it almost every day and just about always credits. I start the day with DS.

Last years Big Board for June: Sue C. from MA 165.77

huge, huge drop or me and I know that is almost all ON. they pay way less than they used to and I get into so few.

SR has paid for my family trips to WDW in 2013 and 2016. No trip until 2020, glad I have more time to save SR money, happy for the opportunity to make free money.

06-15-2018, 08:11 AM
I also looked back, last June Your earnings for June 2017: 154.60, that is triple of what I have now. My thought has been January is the worst month of the year, starts pricking up In Feb. summer to me has always been good with kids surveys, and asking about vacations. On just is what it was, before when a survey did not credit you got it in a couple of days., My email response was to wait 5 weeks, did not even bother to investigate the situation, general response, why not just say we do not care. That is how I felt.


07-12-2018, 01:24 PM
I usually like Live Sample surveys, but I'm so angry right now. :mad: I spent over 20 minutes on a financial services survey, and the last page was an attempt to connect to my facebook account. There was an option to say I didn't have a FB account, but I do, so I didn't click that. When I went to the next page, it asked me to sign in to FB and wanted my friend list and likes before completing the survey. There didn't appear to be a way to get out of it without giving up my FB info, so I closed out of a survey that I had finished without getting the incentive. So if you get this survey and you have a FB account, you have the opportunity to lie or the opportunity to give up your FB info if you want credit. :mad:

07-12-2018, 02:10 PM
I usually like Live Sample surveys, but I'm so angry right now. :mad: I spent over 20 minutes on a financial services survey, and the last page was an attempt to connect to my facebook account. There was an option to say I didn't have a FB account, but I do, so I didn't click that. When I went to the next page, it asked me to sign in to FB and wanted my friend list and likes before completing the survey. There didn't appear to be a way to get out of it without giving up my FB info, so I closed out of a survey that I had finished without getting the incentive. So if you get this survey and you have a FB account, you have the opportunity to lie or the opportunity to give up your FB info if you want credit. :mad:

I got burned the same way at the end of a Live survey; can't remember if it was on financial services. And what does our personal FB account have to do with the survey anyway? Like you there is no way I am signing into my FB account and giving a survey company access.

Have had this same ending in other surveys and I say I don't have an FB account.

07-12-2018, 02:51 PM
I got burned the same way at the end of a Live survey; can't remember if it was on financial services. And what does our personal FB account have to do with the survey anyway? Like you there is no way I am signing into my FB account and giving a survey company access.

Have had this same ending in other surveys and I say I don't have an FB account.

I think they need to disclose it at the beginning, like the surveys that state we will need to provide an address or phone number and ask if we want to continue.

07-12-2018, 08:58 PM
I think they need to disclose it at the beginning, like the surveys that state we will need to provide an address or phone number and ask if we want to continue.

I did the same one,last week had it before same thing, I say I do not have FB account, I feel it is not there business, not disclosing intentions is wrong.


09-09-2018, 08:35 AM
The last 2 days with Live I keep getting same old questions work, what pet do you have, then I get what kind of work do you do it will not let your subit and not not go anywhere even it you do not check a box, no error comes up, anyone else seeing this?


Which of the following best describes the industry which the company you work for operates in?
Marketing, advertising, PR, media
Professional consulting services

09-09-2018, 11:10 AM
The last 2 days with Live I keep getting same old questions work, what pet do you have, then I get what kind of work do you do it will not let your subit and not not go anywhere even it you do not check a box, no error comes up, anyone else seeing this?


Which of the following best describes the industry which the company you work for operates in?
Marketing, advertising, PR, media
Professional consulting services

I have had issues with Live but not that particular one

09-09-2018, 11:19 AM
I have had issues with Live but not that particular one
Thanks Scard, my account was fixed,with the Your all taken away. Did you get credit for anything this morning? I did not.


09-09-2018, 11:29 AM
Thanks Scard, my account was fixed,with the Your all taken away. Did you get credit for anything this morning? I did not.


I completed 1 YS and got credit,it's gone now. just finished another one. I am sure Sunshine Guy will figure it out

07-01-2019, 07:15 AM
tried Live in Edge and Chrome:

We are sorry, but unfortunately you did not successfully complete the survey.

was June 30th the end date for Live?

07-01-2019, 08:14 AM
tried Live in Edge and Chrome:

We are sorry, but unfortunately you did not successfully complete the survey.

was June 30th the end date for Live?

I got the same thing Scard, I sure hope not.

I just read it, it was turned off yesterday, another one bites the dust. I am so sorry with Live, most days I could get 2 of them. Dyanta I can not get into just keeps asking tons of questions. I can SSI surveys, it must be the network its running on. When I do get SSI through other sites, the questions are so many, you spend 10 minutes answering them, and then I had them not credit.


07-02-2019, 01:02 PM
Live did end. I think they discontinued it completely because they told us to start sending people to Dynata instead. :(

07-02-2019, 01:22 PM
Live did end. I think they discontinued it completely because they told us to start sending people to Dynata instead. :(

sad to hear that; could take awhile but was usually able to get one most days.

I tried and completed a Dynata last week when you posted about it. completed on 6/27 and no credit so not impressed.

07-02-2019, 01:28 PM
sad to hear that; could take awhile but was usually able to get one most days.

I tried and completed a Dynata last week when you posted about it. completed on 6/27 and no credit so not impressed.

I don't love the network that Dynata is currently running on for us. I requested access from the company we were previously running LiveSample through. I'm hoping that when we switch to that, it will be a better experience. I'll let you know as soon as I get access.

07-02-2019, 03:00 PM
That would work for me, I can take SSI just not on the network you are running them on. They are the same I did a couple of times on ads, for some reason they will not let me do them, we are only talking a couple of penny's. When you change network let me know, I hate all there ?ds, but I am seriously missing live, I got 2 most days, that was a lot of rewards to lose in, then before it was Global. I am starting to think they want to make it so hard that we get desperate and do anything for a little reward. I am feeling very discourage lately, and know my earning with what we have will go way down.I thought Cint would be good to have I have been able to get 3 total, we got it at end of June, so no surveys, and still none at least for me last 2 days. Do not know if anyone else can get them, they are not on the light system.


07-18-2019, 01:36 PM
That would work for me, I can take SSI just not on the network you are running them on. They are the same I did a couple of times on ads, for some reason they will not let me do them, we are only talking a couple of penny's. When you change network let me know, I hate all there ?ds, but I am seriously missing live, I got 2 most days, that was a lot of rewards to lose in, then before it was Global. I am starting to think they want to make it so hard that we get desperate and do anything for a little reward. I am feeling very discourage lately, and know my earning with what we have will go way down.I thought Cint would be good to have I have been able to get 3 total, we got it at end of June, so no surveys, and still none at least for me last 2 days. Do not know if anyone else can get them, they are not on the light system.


This has been changed!

07-21-2019, 08:48 AM
I was able to do get into SSI and do one, did not credit like Cint, so how does this work? Anyone do one that did credit and when?


07-21-2019, 09:00 AM
I was able to do get into SSI and do one, did not credit like Cint, so how does this work? Anyone do one that did credit and when?


I did one thru Dynata when it was an offer. completed it on 6/27 and still no credit. seems pointless to waste my time if I am not going to get credit for my effort; won't be doing any more.

07-21-2019, 09:33 AM
I did 2 today, and they did credit like Live at 9:09, maybe you should try them again, and see what happens. There could of been a problem with them that day.


#3732625 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998530 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732626 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998590 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid

07-21-2019, 10:14 AM
I did 2 today, and they did credit like Live at 9:09, maybe you should try them again, and see what happens. There could of been a problem with them that day.


#3732625 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998530 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732626 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998590 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid

thanks, I clicked through the link for Live, completed and got credit:
#3732632 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid

07-21-2019, 10:16 AM
I was able to do get into SSI and do one, did not credit like Cint, so how does this work? Anyone do one that did credit and when?


I work full time and the day I have been able to get them are after 6PM and the light is usually red when I do them. Have you tried in the evenings?

07-21-2019, 04:05 PM
I work full time and the day I have been able to get them are after 6PM and the light is usually red when I do them. Have you tried in the evenings?

I went through the Dyna link, I did not think about doing it in live, I did not notice changing colors, is been red as since the beginning of July. I did try and try Live link and it says it just once for now. In the offers there is Dyna and SSI in the drop down menu. I completed several today, and it credits at 09.


07-21-2019, 04:27 PM
I went through the Dyna link, I did not think about doing it in live, I did not notice changing colors, is been red as since the beginning of July. I did try and try Live link and it says it just once for now. In the offers there is Dyna and SSI in the drop down menu. I completed several today, and it credits at 09.


I got 2 today (and they credited) at 09 using the Live link. guess I will use the Dyna link in the future.

07-22-2019, 09:02 AM
I'm seeing that each of you got like 8-10 Dynata credits, which I don't think is right since I only see 8 credits total in their system. I'll have SG take a look at it today and see why the creditor is off. It might be from switching systems. But it does look like they are crediting now?

07-22-2019, 09:09 AM
I'm seeing that each of you got like 8-10 Dynata credits, which I don't think is right since I only see 8 credits total in their system. I'll have SG take a look at it today and see why the creditor is off. It might be from switching systems. But it does look like they are crediting now?

They are crediting for me, is it OK to use the Live link? If not can you move Dynata to the main survey list?

I completed 2 yesterday, this is what I got credit for:

#3732672 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732673 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16999172 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732668 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732669 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16999172 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732665 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732666 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16999172 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732641 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732642 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16999172 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732635 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid
#3732632 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/21/2019 - 16998754 0.50 Credits 07/21/2019 Paid

completed one this morning, there was only 1 credit, now there are 2. could be more coming:rotfl:

#3732700 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/22/2019 - 17003900 0.50 Credits 07/22/2019 Paid
#3732693 Credit: Dynata Daily Surveys 07/22/2019 - 17003900 0.50 Credits 07/22/2019 Paid