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View Full Version : Sunshine Countdowns?

04-18-2008, 07:45 PM
So I was thinking...and maybe someone's already talked about it before and I missed it...how about Sunshine Rewards related countdown tickers (like for vacations, or xx days 'til SM, or $$ goals, stuff like that)? It would be a fun addition to the forum and I'd LOVE to have an SR vacation ticker. I know there are plenty of generic free ones out there, but I was thinking something more SR logo-ish. Anyone else share my dream??

Blessing and Miracle
04-18-2008, 08:15 PM
Great idea!:sunshine:

04-18-2008, 08:42 PM
yeah, could we get one for the MOA meet? Don't know much about tickers, so just asking.

04-19-2008, 06:38 AM
Sounds like a great idea! I know we have some very creative people on this forum. Anyone up to developing something like that?:sunshine: