View Full Version : Spectrum Router Issues

09-10-2022, 07:20 AM
completed one today on home product purchases, my questions were on door sweeps and those cans of spray foam to seal gaps; have never taken this survey or anyone like this before. at the end got this:

Your response for this survey has already already been recorded.

Please do not attempt to retake the survey or use the browser back button.

Each attempt is logged.

The tab at the top of my browser says "repeat".

it did credit on the 2nd hour. strange, but I'll take it!

09-10-2022, 08:50 AM
I did that one yesterday, it finally did credit, Just never know anymore, I had that with Samp saying I was double dipping, never did that survey before either.

09-13-2022, 11:17 AM
I completed one before 10a, it did not credit, someone got one, so is there something up with it again today, can you check Trish?

09-13-2022, 11:43 AM
I completed one before 10a, it did not credit, someone got one, so is there something up with it again today, can you check Trish?

I got credit for the one I completed before 8AM.

little different from them the last few days, odd error messages at the end but did get credit. Also completed 2 that sent me back to do another survey or said I did not qualify; not sure I have seen that before

09-13-2022, 03:21 PM
I got credit for the one I completed before 8AM.

little different from them the last few days, odd error messages at the end but did get credit. Also completed 2 that sent me back to do another survey or said I did not qualify; not sure I have seen that before

I do see some changes this week, I noticed in in early am, when I did around 9:30 it went from your, to Samp, to Nfo, for a survey, what I did not notice on the ending page was do not quality. Never saw that. I just finished one that I got the complete page, it went through just Your, I think when Samp router gets into it, it does not turn out well, but it does work with Cash In surveys.
Specturm did credit for me, that got by me, had my plummer in the house distracted I guess.

10-24-2022, 08:00 AM
the last 7 days or so Spectrum is sending me into Dynata/Peanut Labs over and over again every day. I try to avoid doing those 2 through any other survey but it's becoming harder and harder to avoid with all the times I am directed there. I do exit out as fast as I can

11-02-2022, 08:00 AM
being sent into Dynata/Peanut Labs around 90% of the time. never used to be this way

11-02-2022, 02:45 PM
I wonder if they are putting less of their own surveys into this now because they want people using that special revenuehut page they created for us? (that I haven't had much luck with so far)

11-03-2022, 01:32 PM
I wonder if they are putting less of their own surveys into this now because they want people using that special revenuehut page they created for us? (that I haven't had much luck with so far)

I do these in the 8A hour, most times I am been getting one from Spectrum without using your as a router, love that. Maybe if your did them later in am the same wouold be for you, I have not gotten one in Dya for a while now with them

11-03-2022, 06:27 PM
I do these in the 8A hour, most times I am been getting one from Spectrum without using your as a router, love that. Maybe if your did them later in am the same wouold be for you, I have not gotten one in Dya for a while now with them

I sometimes try the 8AM hour,still the same thing. started towards the end of last month and just keeps getting more and more prevalent. Got 2 this week after 9PM and this AM ~ 7AM got one right away. hoping things will improve.

12-05-2022, 10:22 AM
completed a very long (25 min+) Spectrum today and ended up with:
Your survey has already been submitted. Thank you.
no credit

yesterday completed one and got kicked back to do another one.

2 days in a row. completed surveys. did not used to happen with them.
mostly getting sent into Dynata/Peanut lab over and over.......

12-05-2022, 02:20 PM
completed a very long (25 min+) Spectrum today and ended up with:
Your survey has already been submitted. Thank you.
no credit

yesterday completed one and got kicked back to do another one.

2 days in a row. completed surveys. did not used to happen with them.
mostly getting sent into Dynata/Peanut lab over and over.......

Did you eventually get credit for these or did you try them again?

12-05-2022, 04:00 PM
Did you eventually get credit for these or did you try them again?

both days, tried again, got one and it credited.

01-04-2023, 04:02 PM
have not been able to even get into a Spectrum for more than 2 weeks now, had been getting it most days. Click and get:

Sorry, you have not qualified

Status: 20

exact same thing happened this time last year; unable to even try for one for close to a month, then all of a sudden it worked again. It is green most days, so some members are getting in.

Spectrum does not show up very often from other SR surveys, but when it does I close the tab as quick as I can. I only use one Win10 computer, one e-mail address..... No reason I should be excluded

01-17-2023, 04:42 PM
Just like last year, after 3-4 weeks of nothing but
Sorry, you have not qualified
Status: 20

Today I got into one, and after a few attempts completed one.

Kind of irritating that for all that time I was not able to even answer any demo questions and try to qualify for any, but it was green most days over this time frame.

01-17-2023, 05:50 PM
Just like last year, after 3-4 weeks of nothing but
Sorry, you have not qualified
Status: 20

Today I got into one, and after a few attempts completed one.

Kind of irritating that for all that time I was not able to even answer any demo questions and try to qualify for any, but it was green most days over this time frame.

It ususally does the same thing to me, I just keep trying and the next time I uusally get one, but that is what is happening to me since December I think. It is not that I wait I just keep going back to it, and then it works, however I do agree it had been really hard to get this one

02-04-2023, 11:01 AM
I am getting the same message on Spectrum now, same as Scard, what I notice that it is not even getting a Specturm cookie, when you try it,not sure about that, not even opening it up I think. When you got that Scard did it go away after a while and let you into the site?

02-04-2023, 03:12 PM
I am getting the same message on Spectrum now, same as Scard, what I notice that it is not even getting a Specturm cookie, when you try it,not sure about that, not even opening it up I think. When you got that Scard did it go away after a while and let you into the site?

eventually I am/was able to get them again but it was 2-3 weeks when could not even get into to answer a single demo question.

02-07-2023, 03:02 PM
So many of these survey companies are now instituting REALLY tight security measures. In fact, so tight that I am thinking of pulling a couple of them because it seems like no one is qualifying for them at all. Dynata seems to be performing best, followed by Opinion Network (for those who aren't blocked from it). Your Surveys seems to go a few days great then a few days off. RevenueWall is working really well for a half dozen people, but I haven't been able to get them to respond to any emails in about 6 months about paying me, so I am a little afraid of pushing them very much. It feels like a yucky survey time, but I am still looking for new ones every week!

02-07-2023, 03:18 PM
[I] have had Specturm issues since end of last month, its not even makeing a cookie now, just like we said you do not qualify. I was able to finally get back into Dna 2 days then back to blue screen then when I tried today using Chrome it seems to work better with them I keep geting this message now, but still all the questions to the last one about travel, not blocked but not sure what it is.

No surveys are available.
We could not find a survey match at this time.

Please try again later.

02-07-2023, 04:36 PM
So many of these survey companies are now instituting REALLY tight security measures. In fact, so tight that I am thinking of pulling a couple of them because it seems like no one is qualifying for them at all. Dynata seems to be performing best, followed by Opinion Network (for those who aren't blocked from it). Your Surveys seems to go a few days great then a few days off. RevenueWall is working really well for a half dozen people, but I haven't been able to get them to respond to any emails in about 6 months about paying me, so I am a little afraid of pushing them very much. It feels like a yucky survey time, but I am still looking for new ones every week!

Dynata was odd from October until right after Christmas, got in to do the 4 3-4 days/week but no rhyme or reason to which days. Since the end of the year, have been able to get Dynata 4 most every day but I am extremely careful not to do any of their surveys through another SR survey; I close the tab as fast as I can. Spectrum sends me into Dynata quite often

YS I have not been able to get much this week even though it is green most days.
Not as much luck as with .80 Say so. green over the weekend, I can never get in. Today I tried this morning got "We can't find a match";never got into a survey. Just tried again, and the same thing; it is green.

I know how tough it is the 1st quarter to get anything so Dynata is where I start every day.
thanks for looking for more opportunties.

03-06-2023, 10:28 AM
wondering if Spectrum is gone. I had been getting it several days a week in February. Monday the 27th I got into the page with the demo questions a few times, never got into any surveys. since then nothing but: Sorry, you have not qualified.Status: 20

Also in February starting seeing Spectrum show up in Sample Champ. Now it's there (Spectrum demo questions) several times every day.

03-06-2023, 05:49 PM
The network does still list it as an active offer.

03-06-2023, 07:14 PM
The network does still list it as an active offer.

thanks, I will keep trying.

03-07-2023, 05:28 PM
Where I could get it everday all I get for the last couple of weeks is sorry you do not qualify no questions, when its in Champ goes right back to router does not even do anything. Best one and now nothing.

03-21-2023, 06:20 PM
Last time I could even get questions was 1-28th, keep trying on and off, today after all of this time there were the questions again, I just do not get it why that was and why all of a sudden I can do them an it did credit. Same with Dyna could not get into a survey kept giving me no surveys or error page, then the beginning of this month it let me in again. Any ideas?

03-22-2023, 12:12 PM
Last time I could even get questions was 1-28th, keep trying on and off, today after all of this time there were the questions again, I just do not get it why that was and why all of a sudden I can do them an it did credit. Same with Dyna could not get into a survey kept giving me no surveys or error page, then the beginning of this month it let me in again. Any ideas?

It is still listed as active in the network but has fallen below Dynata, SaySo, and Sample Champs for sure this month. I think it all just comes down to the deals that each company manages to make because they have sales people out trying to sign on brands to take surveys. If the sales people are out on leave or have a bad month, they get less surveys.

03-22-2023, 12:35 PM
Last time I could even get questions was 1-28th, keep trying on and off, today after all of this time there were the questions again, I just do not get it why that was and why all of a sudden I can do them an it did credit. Same with Dyna could not get into a survey kept giving me no surveys or error page, then the beginning of this month it let me in again. Any ideas?

I was never able to get Spectrum every day as you had said earlier. Last time I was able to answer any questions was the end of February so looks like your time out started a month before me. :rotfl:

Dynata I have had a lot of trouble since the summer of 2020, most of the time I did not know why I was locked out but eventually it resolved itself.
Hope I don't jinx myself, but now that I am diligent about not doing Dynata, SSI, I forget the name of the 3rd one through any other SR survey company, have been OK with Dynata. Soon as I see one of those I close out the tab ASAP.

03-22-2023, 01:38 PM
I was never able to get Spectrum every day as you had said earlier. Last time I was able to answer any questions was the end of February so looks like your time out started a month before me. :rotfl:

Dynata I have had a lot of trouble since the summer of 2020, most of the time I did not know why I was locked out but eventually it resolved itself.
Hope I don't jinx myself, but now that I am diligent about not doing Dynata, SSI, I forget the name of the 3rd one through any other SR survey company, have been OK with Dynata. Soon as I see one of those I close out the tab ASAP.

Thanks for responding, I tried today, had 3 different pages of questions never had that before, and after all of that I get the sorry you do not qualify.

03-22-2023, 02:47 PM
Thanks for responding, I tried today, had 3 different pages of questions never had that before, and after all of that I get the sorry you do not qualify.

got this right away: Sorry, you have not qualified

Status: 20

same as every day for over 3 weeks.

06-27-2023, 09:21 AM
being directed into Dynata over and over again daily.

Today just complete one, survey said: You have completed the survey. Thank you for your time.

Click '>' to finish. clicked, ended with a picture of many colored pencils in a circle and the words:
You've completed this survey. Twice I saw completed the survey.

did not go back to Spectrum page and of course no credit.

Not going to spend my time on these any more, not worth it.

07-12-2023, 05:45 PM
Spectrum started the week not to have anything all I keep seeing the last several days was you do not qualify, not sure what they are doing.

07-14-2023, 11:04 AM
Spectrum started the week not to have anything all I keep seeing the last several days was you do not qualify, not sure what they are doing.

I have tried everyday but not spending much time on them anymore. When they were added we were told to expect them to be harder to get into because they were .90. OK but the last 6 weeks or so it usually takes 30-45 minutes just to get into one if they have any.

also see theirs in Sample Champ, Say so and TONS on them in ON.

07-26-2023, 03:38 PM
I was shocked first time in a long time I go demo page to fill o9ut, been weeks, it still take a lot of time and effort to get one completed, but I figure it worth it, I kept trying everyday and today it worked.

08-06-2023, 09:19 AM
I am getting this today in pectrum, what does this mean?

Invalid Supplier

Status: Invalid Supplier

08-06-2023, 10:39 AM
I am getting this today in pectrum, what does this mean?

Invalid Supplier

Status: Invalid Supplier

same for me, both browsers.
It's back to really hard to get into a survey, most days 30+, I usually give up in frustration around 45 minutes.

08-07-2023, 07:08 AM
today the error is:
The survey you just clicked on is no longer available. We apologize for any inconvenience

the name in the URL is: pantherainteractive

08-07-2023, 10:35 AM
I fot the same thing, I am thinking that is not good, I sure hope it is not gone to,

08-07-2023, 02:39 PM
Trish can you check to see if another network offers this, A friend said it works on her reward site.

08-15-2023, 02:58 PM
I got some more information about Spectrum. Apparently they are using some kind of advanced technology that isn't working well with third party networks. The network we ran them through said that they tried working with them but the tracking kept dropping, which is why they pulled it back down again. They are still working on a solution but don't want to launch anything until they are possible that the tracking will work. So stay tuned and in the meantime I will see if it is anywhere else that I pull from. I have narrowed down the networks I work with a lot in the last decade because so many of them didn't end up paying me. But it's possible another one may have it.

08-15-2023, 04:09 PM
I got some more information about Spectrum. Apparently they are using some kind of advanced technology that isn't working well with third party networks. The network we ran them through said that they tried working with them but the tracking kept dropping, which is why they pulled it back down again. They are still working on a solution but don't want to launch anything until they are possible that the tracking will work. So stay tuned and in the meantime I will see if it is anywhere else that I pull from. I have narrowed down the networks I work with a lot in the last decade because so many of them didn't end up paying me. But it's possible another one may have it.

Thanks for all your hard work in trying to get it back, at least that explains it, lets hope they can work it out, its our best one.