View Full Version : OTX Surveys

04-28-2008, 03:33 PM
Just as a reminder from what SunshineGuy posted yesterday...

You no longer need to move OTX into pending. You can use the same link and take the surveys every day now. You can use the link in the offers or the link on the Member Zone (or the link going out right now in email). You will now see it listed as something like "OTX/MyThoughtCounts Daily Survey" and the date in your history.

If you took one after about 2:00 yesterday and successfully take one after 2:00 today but a credit with today's date does NOT show up, please file a TT so we can see if it is a problem with the change in our system that caused you not to get credit or just a random OTX crediting issue.

04-28-2008, 03:36 PM
I took one yesterday after 2:00 but didn't receive credit. Do you want me to do a TT for it or wait until my 24 hours are up and try another one? I have did one Saturday also that didn't credit. I have never had a problem with getting credits before this past weekend.

04-28-2008, 03:46 PM
I did one last night and I did put it in pending...now I don't see the link in the offers, I don't even see it in my pending. Will it show up again after it has been 24hrs. since I took it? I did click on the email link and I got it that way but it says I need to wait, which I already know.

04-28-2008, 03:50 PM
I did one last night and I did put it in pending...now I don't see the link in the offers, I don't even see it in my pending. Will it show up again after it has been 24hrs. since I took it? I did click on the email link and I got it that way but it says I need to wait, which I already know.

If you look in your account history did you get credit for it?

04-28-2008, 03:59 PM
if we took one after 2:00 p.m. yesterday but before 2:00 p.m. today (this morning) and got no credit, should we file a TT?

04-28-2008, 04:00 PM
i took one after 2 yesterday and i did get credit for it and i took one today after 3 - when would i expect to see the credit for it?:confused:

04-28-2008, 04:03 PM
If you look in your account history did you get credit for it?

Yup I got the credit but now there is no link or at least I can't find it. :rotfl:

04-28-2008, 04:07 PM
Yup I got the credit but now there is no link or at least I can't find it. :rotfl:

Well, I went back and looked a little closer and I found it :rotfl: Right under the header on the main page.... Today's News and Deals

Take an OTX Survey Daily Now and earn .75!

04-28-2008, 04:20 PM
if we took one after 2:00 p.m. yesterday but before 2:00 p.m. today (this morning) and got no credit, should we file a TT?

If you took one after 2 yesterday and before 2 today, they will not give us credit because you can only take them through there every 24 hours.

If you took one after 2 yesterday and got credit and AFTER 2 today and it has been at least 2 hours without credit, file a TT. I can't make any promises, but I can at least see if our system is working.

04-28-2008, 04:28 PM
oh geez, i'm sorry, i meant BEFORE 2 p.m. yesterday and before 2 p.m. today! i took one yesterday morning and got credit, but didn't get credit for the one i took THIS morning. sometimes i type faster than i read, lol. i think what i meant to say was i took one between 2 p.m. yesterday and 2 p.m. today and didn't get credit, if that makes any sense, lol.

04-28-2008, 04:44 PM
No need to file any TTs now. After looking at Linda's account history and the stats from the advertiser, I can see definitely that not all of these are posting. So I forwarded the issue onto SG. I'm sure he'll get it sorted out here in the next couple of hours. The credits ARE being recorded. It's just not letting them hit your account if you already got a credit yesterday. It's easily fixable.

04-28-2008, 04:48 PM
So if we took one yesterday after 2:00 that did not credit no need to file a TT is that correct? Just wondering since I did not get credit for the last two OTX surveys I did and nothing has changed on my computer.

04-28-2008, 04:51 PM
So if we took one yesterday after 2:00 that did not credit no need to file a TT is that correct? Just wondering since I did not get credit for the last two OTX surveys I did and nothing has changed on my computer.

Right. For the known issue that we have on our end, we will get it corrected and get all of the credits caught back up. Now, I do worry that something is wrong with yours specifically because everyone else got YESTERDAY's credit today. It's only today's that are being affected. But it's not anything that a TT would help. I wonder if it is related to so many of your shopping purchases not coming through properly? :(

04-28-2008, 05:07 PM
No need to file any TTs now. After looking at Linda's account history and the stats from the advertiser, I can see definitely that not all of these are posting. So I forwarded the issue onto SG. I'm sure he'll get it sorted out here in the next couple of hours. The credits ARE being recorded. It's just not letting them hit your account if you already got a credit yesterday. It's easily fixable.

thanks so much! you guys are SO on top of all of this-i don't know how you do it, but i'm grateful that you do! :hugs:

04-28-2008, 05:12 PM
I got mine today BUT I took mine on Sunday at 8 am before the change and got the .85 credit bc I took one early Sat morning. So i'm assuming mine is ok and I received credit today bc this is the first one before the changes were made.

04-28-2008, 05:50 PM
Right. For the known issue that we have on our end, we will get it corrected and get all of the credits caught back up. Now, I do worry that something is wrong with yours specifically because everyone else got YESTERDAY's credit today. It's only today's that are being affected. But it's not anything that a TT would help. I wonder if it is related to so many of your shopping purchases not coming through properly? :(

So far I have only recently had 2 Shopping Credits not track and they were between two that did so I don't think that was on my end. Can't figure out why all of the sudden OTX isn't working for me since Daily Survey and SM surveys are still coming through. I do have a Shoebuy that hasn't come through that was placed on 4/16 and they usually come through rather quickly. The other orders I am still waiting for were placed 4-8 days ago so I am not overly concerned yet, unless you post that all shopping through 4/24 has definitely posted. I received the merchandise on all of them now but the most recent order was just received today. I did order the Aqua thingies, but they haven't been charged to my CC either so I think they are losing some orders.

04-28-2008, 06:18 PM
So far I have only recently had 2 Shopping Credits not track and they were between two that did so I don't think that was on my end. Can't figure out why all of the sudden OTX isn't working for me since Daily Survey and SM surveys are still coming through. I do have a Shoebuy that hasn't come through that was placed on 4/16 and they usually come through rather quickly. The other orders I am still waiting for were placed 4-8 days ago so I am not overly concerned yet, unless you post that all shopping through 4/24 has definitely posted. I received the merchandise on all of them now but the most recent order was just received today. I did order the Aqua thingies, but they haven't been charged to my CC either so I think they are losing some orders.

Just about every shopping purchase through the 26th should have posted by now. The weird thing about those two that you had was that the merchants saw absolutely no evidence of you going through our links, even though we could prove it on our end. That's very odd.

The surveys should be fixed and caught up now. I'm seeing some of them done earlier coming through. :)

04-28-2008, 06:21 PM
my 4/28 otx has credited! thank you SR! :cooldance:

04-28-2008, 06:24 PM
Just about every shopping purchase through the 26th should have posted by now. The weird thing about those two that you had was that the merchants saw absolutely no evidence of you going through our links, even though we could prove it on our end. That's very odd.

The surveys should be fixed and caught up now. I'm seeing some of them done earlier coming through. :)

would it be possible to find out if there's a 4/23 current.com shopping credit pending for me? i ask b/c i got no shipping confirmation from them and couldn't find the order in their system-i had to call customer service to find out it shipped, so i'm afraid they're not going to give me credit.

ETA: D'OH! SORRY! NEVERMIND! it's listed in my account history now, lol. boy, it's been a long day, i think i need a nap.

04-28-2008, 06:38 PM
The weird thing about those two that you had was that the merchants saw absolutely no evidence of you going through our links, even though we could prove it on our end. That's very odd.

And the weird thing about that is I wouldn't even know either of them existed if not for SR

04-28-2008, 06:49 PM
mine has not credited yet and i finished it after 3 this afternoon. are you able to check into this for me?:sunshine:

04-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Just about every shopping purchase through the 26th should have posted by now. The weird thing about those two that you had was that the merchants saw absolutely no evidence of you going through our links, even though we could prove it on our end. That's very odd.

The surveys should be fixed and caught up now. I'm seeing some of them done earlier coming through. :)

Darn, I had a Drugstore.com purchase on 4/23, does this mean that it didn't come through? It's only been 5 days though, so I wasn't going to worry about it but wonder now if I should file a TT or should I wait a few more days and hope for the best?

04-28-2008, 07:43 PM
My Drugstore.com order from the 24th just showed up within the last hour as pending. Scroll down and see if yours is there or check and see if you have anything listed as pending on your Current earnings page

04-28-2008, 07:43 PM
Darn, I had a Drugstore.com purchase on 4/23, does this mean that it didn't come through? It's only been 5 days though, so I wasn't going to worry about it but wonder now if I should file a TT or should I wait a few more days and hope for the best?

I've posted what came in since the 26th, but it is quite possible with shipping time that some merchants haven't posted them yet. They won't even let us into the system to file disputes until 8 days have passed because of that.

04-28-2008, 07:51 PM
I've posted what came in since the 26th, but it is quite possible with shipping time that some merchants haven't posted them yet. They won't even let us into the system to file disputes until 8 days have passed because of that.

My Drugstore.com order from the 24th just showed up within the last hour as pending. Scroll down and see if yours is there or check and see if you have anything listed as pending on your Current earnings page

Yes, it's there, Thank you! WhooHoo, I'm happy now! I hate filing TT. :clap:

04-28-2008, 08:38 PM
Alright, I admit it. I'm confused :confused:!

I did get credit for an OTX survey yesterday, but I missed the .85 link so it was sometime yesterday afternoon I did it.

Today, I did an OTX survey through the link on the member page just (I think) prior to the 8:00 pm eastern hour and did not get credit on the hour. Should I have? Do I need to file a TT? Wait another hour? Or something else, lol!

Thanks for this new, convenient way to take these surveys. Just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing.

04-28-2008, 08:44 PM
:( I am so lost i cant even find where to take the survery :(

04-28-2008, 08:49 PM
:( I am so lost i cant even find where to take the survery :(

That I can help with. Click on the member zone tab, and it's right below
Today's News and Deals and before the link to the jewelry.

04-28-2008, 08:53 PM
Alright, I admit it. I'm confused :confused:!

I did get credit for an OTX survey yesterday, but I missed the .85 link so it was sometime yesterday afternoon I did it.

Today, I did an OTX survey through the link on the member page just (I think) prior to the 8:00 pm eastern hour and did not get credit on the hour. Should I have? Do I need to file a TT? Wait another hour? Or something else, lol!

Thanks for this new, convenient way to take these surveys. Just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing.

I'm in the same boat...got credit yesterday, but not today (for the one I did around 6pm). I think from what Tricia is saying, the credits are coming through from the advertiser, but not crediting our accounts. It sounded like we don't need to file a TT as SG is working on it. At least hope that's the case!:)

04-28-2008, 10:07 PM
That I can help with. Click on the member zone tab, and it's right below and before the link to the jewelry.

If it was a snake it would have bit me haha:rotfl:

04-29-2008, 07:47 AM
I'm in the same boat...got credit yesterday, but not today (for the one I did around 6pm). I think from what Tricia is saying, the credits are coming through from the advertiser, but not crediting our accounts. It sounded like we don't need to file a TT as SG is working on it. At least hope that's the case!:)

I took one last night at 8pm (well past 24hrs of taking one previously) and didn't get credit. Are these coming through manually now? Like others, I just want to be sure I'm doing it right. :angel:

04-29-2008, 07:55 AM
i took one yesterday afternoon after 3 and did not get credit either yet i did get credit for the one i took on sunday. i guess i can try again later today and hopefully it will credit. let's all keep our fingers crossed that we can all get otx surveys today.:sunshine:

04-29-2008, 09:06 AM
I did a tt yesterday I was told the problem was corrected, I did get the credit. Maybe you all need to check and see.


04-30-2008, 02:07 PM
I have 3 this weekend that i did not get credit for when i try to open a TT it says i need to wait 7 days, am i doing something wrong? tia

04-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Unfortunately, we can't do anything about survey credits that do not come in so it would not do any good to file a TT. :( If you are missing that many, there is definitely something up with your system.

04-30-2008, 02:16 PM
I have 3 this weekend that i did not get credit for when i try to open a TT it says i need to wait 7 days, am i doing something wrong? tia

and remember you need to be clearing cookies each and every time before you do an OTX survey, if not they will not credit. :)

04-30-2008, 02:17 PM
Unfortunately, we can't do anything about survey credits that do not come in so it would not do any good to file a TT. :( If you are missing that many, there is definitely something up with your system.

ok i just checked i did get credit for the other one but missing credit from 4-25 and 4-26 on the otx received all the credits for greenfield

04-30-2008, 02:20 PM
and remember you need to be clearing cookies each and every time before you do an OTX survey, if not they will not credit. :)

o wow thanks i never have cleared my cookies since i got this computer (a month ago) LOL ill do that now