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View Full Version : The Daily Surveys... 24hours... help!

05-13-2008, 12:28 PM

I read that you can only complete the Daily survey and the OTX survey once every 24 hours. Is this true down to the last second? If so, I will have to take the survey later and later each day, and really the morning works best for me. Just curious thanks!!!

05-13-2008, 12:38 PM

I read that you can only complete the Daily survey and the OTX survey once every 24 hours. Is this true down to the last second? If so, I will have to take the survey later and later each day, and really the morning works best for me. Just curious thanks!!!

The OTX are on a strict 24 hour schedule, but I've found that the daily surveys sometimes will allow you to do one in the afternoon, and one the next morning. I have had times when I couldn't, however, and have no explanation for it. I guess every 24 hours is a "loose" interpretation. However, I never take more than 1 daily survey between 1201AM and 12mdn of the same day. HTH, and hope my interpretation is the right one. If not, I hope someone else will be able to help.

05-13-2008, 01:50 PM
I think, to be on the safe side, and to stay on the good side of Greenfield, which is good for SR all around, I'd write down the time you finished w/ a Congratulations, and not try to do another until after that time. I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the chance of losing these altogether. (Not chastizing anyone who goes by the midnight / day thing if they can get back into a survey, just my personal opinion).

It does state right on the survey page:

1) You may only complete one survey every 24 hours.

To me that means every 24 hours is wait for 24 hours to pass. Now if it said only one survey every day, that would be a different story.

05-13-2008, 04:18 PM
Ok, I will keep track of each day I complete the survey. Thanks everyone!

One more questions. How does the online shopping work? I see you click the banner to get onto the site, but do you have to use a coupon code that is listed for that website and only buy specific products to get the %? I'm really confused by this, but I have a lot of shopping to do for my wedding and I think this could be a good way to get some rewards. Thanks everyone!

05-13-2008, 05:04 PM
You can shop for whatever you need from that site. No coupons or codes needed. The retailer should recognize that you came from Sunshine Rewards.

Good Luck and Happy shopping!

m 'n c
05-13-2008, 08:26 PM
The previous poster was correct in stating that you can buy whatever you want from the website. What you have to be careful with is the coupon codes.

To get credit for just shopping -> go thru SR link, put items in cart and check out. That's it. In about 2 weeks (or less) you will see credit pending in your account. No codes needed to state you are from SR

Now coupon codes -> If SR has a code for an item you are buying then feel free to write the code down before you click on the link. When you go through the checkout process you will enter the code where appropriate and finish checking out. Where you run into problems is using a non-SR coupon code as the merchants will not give SR credit for your purchase. Codes on the merchant's website are normally ok but codes through emails or other sites are no-nos so be aware of that.

Happy shopping :sunshine:

05-13-2008, 10:48 PM
OTX...I've noticed they have a helpful bit of info when you try to get in too early that tells you what time to come back.

DS...my timer is at about 22 hours. I just put in my info at some point during the day, and check as the day goes on. Once it lets me in (around 22 hours after finishing the last survey, for me, I've noticed) I start trying for a survey.

Shopping...along with the other info you've gotten, don't put things in your cart in one shopping session, then come back later and finish the purchase. If you are doing comparison shopping, take notes on paper and clear your cart before leaving the comparison shopping...when you come back at some point later to buy, make sure your cookies, cache, and history are cleared (that's what I do) click through SR (always click through SR), create an account or log in to your account for that site, and start shopping!

I take notes on everything I do now through SR. Keeps me organized and honest.

05-14-2008, 08:57 AM
Thanks everyone, that really clears everything up for me!! I really appreciate the help! :sunshine:

05-14-2008, 03:25 PM
I wanted to add to please keep asking questions. We were all new once with questions and we are happy to help.

05-15-2008, 08:50 AM
Ok I have one more question! lol

I never seem to be able to play the daily scratch off game, it always says that the max # of games have been played today, yet its only 8:30 am!!!(east coast time). Do you have to wake up ridiculously early to play these games??? Does any one else have this problem? Thanks!

m 'n c
05-15-2008, 09:09 AM
Its quite common. I find that saturday mornings and sundays I usually don't have that problem. The game resets at 12 EST which is only 9 PST so the west coasters that are up have a slight advantage over the eastern and sometimes central time zoners. That said if you are up that late at night feel free to play then or try when you first wake up in the morning.

05-15-2008, 09:48 AM

Ok, I lied, I have ANOTHER question!!!

I know that SR says you can not sign up for one account on a particular computer, and then try and sign up as a different account on that same computer. My sister has signed up for SR, and her Husband signed up as well. She signed up at work, and he signed up at home on the home computer. Can they bot access their accounts from the home computer? Or is that not allowed? Also, My fiance and I both signed up for SR at work, but we have two computers at home. Are we able to log into our accounts on two seperate computers at home? None of us wants to break the rules and get banned from SR b/c this is a great program! Thanks everyone!!

*also, my fiance techincally lives with his parents still, and he used that address to sign up, but he spends a lot of time at my apt. He keeps his laptop there, and I have my desktop, so I think that this still counts as two seperate households. I just read that there is only one account per house hold allowed, but I will tell my sister that!