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06-19-2007, 07:54 PM
I have a question about cancellations and "fraud". I understand that quick cancellations are considered fraud and are very bad.

What I wonder is if I honestly give something a try and then I don't like it, and cancel, will they revoke my credit even if I wait until the day before payments kick in to cancel?

06-19-2007, 08:13 PM
We really have no ability to know what they will consider an early cancellation. The only thing I can suggest is that if you have tried something and really don't like it then cancel it. It makes no sense to hold on to something you don't like until the very last day and risk more charges because you cant get through just so that you can assure that you will keep your credits. I would also reccommend that if you find something you don't like and it is 1 day into a 14 day trial cancelling will probably trigger and early cancellation revoke. My suggestion would be to give a try for a longer period of time and make sure you reall do or dont like it. There isn't a way to tell what they will call an early cancellation. It is always a risk when you do these paid trials. I look at them as opportunities to try things I would like to use and if they give me credit than awesome. I know this goes against what many use the rewards site for but this is really what the intentions are. Try it out and if you don't like it then by all means cancel the service with the knowledge that there is always the possibility that credits could be revoked. This being said I dont forsee there being a mass revocation of credits because they all of the sudden can. I think they are trying to stop people from ordering trials and cancelling before trying the product, receiving the materials, or making sure they really don't like the product. Go into the trial with a positive attitude and I am sure you will be fine.