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View Full Version : Hold on Disney gift card cashouts???

06-22-2007, 12:52 PM
I totally understand about the new cashout policies, but I was wondering when I might get a gift card that I cashed out for on June 7? I don't know if it's going by dates now or by individual acct. statistics, I was just hoping to get that last $50.00 GC before my Disney trip on 7/10.

Do you think I'll have it before my trip? I guess I got spoiled by the big cashout special. I got those cards in a few days.:mickey:

06-22-2007, 01:10 PM
I've been going through these on an individual basis. But of the 55 Disney gift card or Disney Dollar cashouts done since June 5, I only held 5 of them. The rest all went out Wednesday. You can send me an email to see if yours was held, but I would be really surprised if it were. I only held them where the members were really new and did a bunch of big offers in June or where the merchants have given me some reason to hold them.

06-22-2007, 01:29 PM
Thanks for answering so quickly. I'll look for it in the mail, and email you if I don't see it, but I didn't do a lot of big offers in June so it'll probably be OK.

Thank you, I need to get off of SR and start getting ready for my vacation!:cooldance:

06-22-2007, 02:07 PM
I'm feeling the same way!! We are leaving 7/12 and I have so much to do, yet here I am!!! :)
I'm waiting on my card too to add to my disney food fund!

Have a great trip!!:)

06-24-2007, 01:41 PM
Thank you I got my Disney Dollars in the mail yesterday

06-25-2007, 03:52 PM
Got my card today!! Thanks so much Tricia...it will pay for one of our meals in a few weeks! I am so excited!

Have I told anyone recently that I LOVE SR?????

I edited my ticker so my countdown would be right, and I had to put in a sunset!!

Tricia you are awesome!:cooldance:

06-25-2007, 09:29 PM
I got my card today too:cooldance: Can't wait to use all of my rewards cards at WDW in 15 days!!!!!!

Where are you staying? We are at the Poly 7/10- 7/16. Are you ready, because I know I'm not. I need to go over to the DIS and check a few things out, but everytime I sign on the computer, I'm drawn here...LOL.

06-25-2007, 09:40 PM
I got my card today too:cooldance: Can't wait to use all of my rewards cards at WDW in 15 days!!!!!!

Where are you staying? We are at the Poly 7/10- 7/16. Are you ready, because I know I'm not. I need to go over to the DIS and check a few things out, but everytime I sign on the computer, I'm drawn here...LOL.

Me too..I always come here first when I sign on, even though I have things I really need to do elsewhere! We are semi-ready. I told my dh and dd to be prepared because over the weekend I am going to start bringing up the suitcases and putting outfits in as I wash them. I will ziploc the outfits for dd to make things easier for her. I told her to be prespred for a sparse wardrobe for a couple of weeks before we go!!

We are leaving on the 12th. Our first 3 night will be at POFQ, which we love, then we will be staying 5 nights at OKW. I can't wait, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the heat!!

06-27-2007, 06:48 AM
I got my card!!! I was so excited I was skipping up the driveway from the mailbox, the neighbors must think I am nuts! I have all my cards now and it is time to pack. We are leaving in 13 days (did I post that enough all over this site?) I am just so excited! I haven't been to Disney in 7 years and I am missing it so much!!

Thanks Tricia for getting them to me and for helping me to make all of this extra $$$ for our trip. I will have so much fun spending it.

I:heart: SR:sunshine2:

07-08-2007, 11:06 PM
So I'm still trying to fully understand the new cashout policies. I cashed out on July 2 for Disney GCs. Will they be held until July 15th or should I expect them soon?


07-08-2007, 11:09 PM
If you were cashing out for big ticket offers from June then the cash out will have to be manually verified by Tricia and then she will send it out. If you cashed out from freebies, surveys and clicks then I imagine it will be sent out when Tricia returns from her Summit trip. Im not sure she would be doing any cash outs while in Florida. I know she sent out alot of cashouts before she left but I believe they were June cashouts. Sorry this isnt a more definite answer. Im sure Tricia will clarify when she comes on.

07-08-2007, 11:13 PM
Wow! Fast response! Thanks!

I guess I'll just wait to see what Tricia has to say then.

07-21-2007, 10:50 AM
Has there been any news on this? I cashed out on July 3rd for a small gift card and have not received it as of today. I am a little concerned since they usually get here within a week to ten days. But, with the changes, I'm not really sure when to expect it. I'm hoping to get it by the time we leave for Disney in early August. Thanks in advance for any additional information that anyone can supply.

07-21-2007, 01:36 PM
Yep. Every one of them was processed on the 18th. So I would think you would have them any day now.

07-21-2007, 01:40 PM
Has there been any news on this? I cashed out on July 3rd for a small gift card and have not received it as of today. I am a little concerned since they usually get here within a week to ten days. But, with the changes, I'm not really sure when to expect it. I'm hoping to get it by the time we leave for Disney in early August. Thanks in advance for any additional information that anyone can supply.

I was wondering myself since my cards usually come super fast and now I'm on week 2 of cashing out, but I see Tricia says they were all processed on the 18th so I'm feeling better. :cooldance:

07-21-2007, 06:48 PM
Great News!!! Thanks so much for the quick reply.:sunshine:

07-23-2007, 09:43 AM
I have a questions about the Disney GC and/or Disney $.

I have a large amount of money on hold that won't be release into 08/15. I am leaving for Disny on 08/26. If I cash out for either a Disney GC or Disney $ will I receive the money on time for my trip :confused: :confused: . I really want to use it for our trip since I don't know when I will be going back and want to make sure we get lots of extra magic. If I cash out on the 08/15, that only gives me 8 business days before we leave.

Any info will be greatly appreciated.

PS - I also cash out for Disney $ on 07/12 any idea how long will that take. - I just got the DD. I am so excite. It is like Christmas


m 'n c
07-23-2007, 01:52 PM
I'm not sure if it would make it in time for a disney gc via mail but I would be willing to bet you would have enough time to cash out via paypal and do a bank transfer and then have that money in you bank account for disney dollars or a gc if you want to buy one instead of carrying cash around the parks.

07-23-2007, 01:54 PM
Ok, I may be confuse. I thought PayPal will post only after the first of the month. :confused: :confused:

07-23-2007, 02:04 PM
Paypal wont make it either. She would have to cash out before the end of this month to get the money by the 15th of next month.

m 'n c
07-23-2007, 02:16 PM
oh darn forgot about the new paypal rules. Sorry to confuse you.

07-25-2007, 05:17 PM
I received my Disney Gift Card on July 23rd. Even though I didn't get it immediately after cashing out, it is still a great reward to get it within a few weeks. Thanks so much Tricia for all that you do.