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View Full Version : New Referral Contest!!

06-17-2008, 04:44 PM
Later tonight we will be announcing a referral contest. Hopefully it will help all of you to grab some quick referrals and boost your accounts. Put on your thinking caps about how to get some referrals!!

06-17-2008, 10:09 PM
i can't wait! :cooldance:

06-17-2008, 10:09 PM
From now through July 31, Sunshine Rewards will be running a special referral contest. Not only do we have prizes for the winners, but we have ways to help you recruit more members!

Rules: All Sunshine Rewards members are eligible. Only members who you refer between June 17 and July 31 who become "active members" by July 31 will count. Active members are those who earn at least 5.00 credits, including their signup bonuses. The contest page will be updated with the top 10 referrers starting June 17.

Prizes: The top three highest referrers will earn their choice of one of the following: $25 Disney Gift Card, $25 MyChoice Gift Card, or $25 Amazon Gift Certificate.

Here's the best part. We want to help you win!

Referrals win prizes! First, for each of the three members who wins the referral contest, we will randomly choose one of your active referrals and award THEM the same prize as you.

Extra referral bonus! Second, we have created a special referral link for this contest. If you refer a member using this link, they will receive a .50 bonus when they sign up in addition to the normal 2.00 signup. This link is not available to the general public, so if someone wants the extra bonus for signing up, they must get the special link from a member. All of your referrals will count for the contest, however, whether they use the special signup link or your regular referral link.

Here's the link to the contest: http://www.sunshinerewards.com/referralcontest.php. You'll find your special signup link there as well. Hopefully this is something that you will be able to promote to your friends to get them to help you. :)

06-17-2008, 10:28 PM
i have a few friends who are interested and i just e-mailed them the info, including the referral link, but i don't know if they'll sign up or not. i haven't had much luck w/ my referrals-i'm 1 for 8, lol.

06-17-2008, 10:29 PM
Remember you can also feel free to use our videos to promote your links. If you have Disney places you can promote on, you might want to link to the youtube video to show them that they can get Disney gift cards. You can link directly to YouTube and not the SR videoblog if you want. Or you can embed the YouTube video into some types of blogs.

06-17-2008, 11:13 PM
I just did an article on my blog about the special sign up rate. I am going to wait for a few days and a couple of posts and then I am going to do another one and insert the youtube video (if i can figure out how to do that). I am also making sure to submit my article to as many places as I can find. Lets hope it works!!!

m 'n c
06-17-2008, 11:24 PM
Well that sounds like a good contest for everyone.

06-18-2008, 01:40 AM
I am excited.

06-18-2008, 08:07 AM
I have a question, not sure where to put it though. My sister has been wanting to sign up, but when I originally signed up, I believe I did it on their computer because I don't think I had one at the time. But now I mostly do everything from my own computer, If she signs up from the same computer that i originally signed up on, is that against the rules, even though now I use my own computer?

06-18-2008, 09:03 AM
I have a question, not sure where to put it though. My sister has been wanting to sign up, but when I originally signed up, I believe I did it on their computer because I don't think I had one at the time. But now I mostly do everything from my own computer, If she signs up from the same computer that i originally signed up on, is that against the rules, even though now I use my own computer?

If you did it at her house on her computer, it won't let her sign up, it will detect a double IP address.

06-18-2008, 09:04 AM
I just did an article on my blog about the special sign up rate. I am going to wait for a few days and a couple of posts and then I am going to do another one and insert the youtube video (if i can figure out how to do that). I am also making sure to submit my article to as many places as I can find. Lets hope it works!!!

Does the number of people *clicking* on the link in your blog and not signing up drive you nuts? It does me.

06-18-2008, 09:13 AM
If you did it at her house on her computer, it won't let her sign up, it will detect a double IP address.

Will I be able to sign her up from my computer, or will it show as a double ip still because I always logon from my computer? Sorry.

06-18-2008, 04:36 PM
Here's something else that might help those of you trying to find ways to get referrals. Keep an eye on the front page of the site. If you are a member of a group that is interested in anything in particular (scrapbooking, sports teams, etc), you might see a good coupon pop up that you could tell your friends about. That's a low key way to introduce them to SR while giving them something that they can actually use.

06-18-2008, 04:57 PM
I have 1 person.

06-18-2008, 05:00 PM
i've had 5 friends ask me for info on how to sign up, do offers, etc., but no one has signed up yet that i know of.

06-18-2008, 05:06 PM
[I had 3 people sign up so far, but I have a feeling they might not go any further than that!

06-19-2008, 08:30 AM
i've sent info to 7 ppl, and NONE of them has signed up. you'd think at least one of them would be willing to try. i give up.

06-19-2008, 08:44 AM
This is always a tough one for me, but at dd's inhouse dance rehearsal two moms were very interested in this (they both do a lot of on line shopping!!! and one leaves for Disney in October)........now fingers crossed they decided to sign up and keep with it!!!


06-19-2008, 05:31 PM
Referrals have definitely been up in the last 24 hours! Hopefully some of you start to see your referrals earning money in the next few days.

Today's 20% off special at Disney and the contest in the forum are two good things to mention to prospective referrals. :sunshine:

06-19-2008, 05:52 PM
I have one nibbler, now I just have to encourage without being pushy. I'm much better at being pushy :rotfl:

06-20-2008, 01:22 PM
Is everyone else's referral showing $2 or $2.5? It looks like my newest referral posted for my contest link, but has $2.

06-20-2008, 01:25 PM
When they sign up using the special link, they will have a special offer in their introduction email with a link for .50. As soon as they click on that offer, it will give them the additional .50. If it does NOT, it means that they do not have their cookies enabled.

06-20-2008, 01:26 PM
Is everyone else's referral showing $2 or $2.5? It looks like my newest referral posted for my contest link, but has $2.

Mine is showing 2.00 too

Of coarse I have a feeling she is going to stay there too :cry: Signed up a few hours after the contest started but hasn't done anything.

06-20-2008, 01:27 PM
When they sign up using the special link, they will have a special offer in their introduction email with a link for .50. As soon as they click on that offer, it will give them the additional .50. If it does NOT, it means that they do not have their cookies enabled.

Oh great, that helps.... I will explain it to the other couple people I know who have talked about joining.

06-20-2008, 01:28 PM
When they sign up using the special link, they will have a special offer in their introduction email with a link for .50. As soon as they click on that offer, it will give them the additional .50. If it does NOT, it means that they do not have their cookies enabled.


06-20-2008, 04:11 PM
I updated the banner in my signature to be the bonus one. :)

06-24-2008, 09:58 PM
Yes I updated the banner to the contest one and put it on all the pages of my website. I just added a 2 after signup will that work?

06-27-2008, 12:32 PM
Okay so I have a referral, how do I help them to get up to the $5 so they become active? Refer them to the forum?

06-27-2008, 12:55 PM
Okay so I have a referral, how do I help them to get up to the $5 so they become active? Refer them to the forum?

Most definitely! And I would probably recommend a couple of really strong offers that are not spammy. The first ones that come to my mind are eBay and Ideal Bite.

06-27-2008, 01:10 PM
Most definitely! And I would probably recommend a couple of really strong offers that are not spammy. The first ones that come to my mind are eBay and Ideal Bite.

Okay I did all of that, hopefully she joins the forum! :banana:
