Conversation Between clickingdiva and CompareRewards

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks so much for joining SR with my link -- did see my bonus from you credit, and it's really appreciated! Glad you're enjoying the program!

    A fan of YOURS,
  2. Hi Becky ~

    Gads ~ I thought that Sunshine Rewards 'Friend' request would allow me to put a note on it... (Please don't think I'm stalking you or something!)

    My main purpose in sending it was just to get your attention, so you'd know that I'd thanked you, on your SR UserCP pg. Please don't feel any obligation to answer the 'friend'-thingy... (They don't seem to serve much of a purpose, on this site, anyway, from what I can tell, & I can see that you aren't active on the forum.)

    I'm still enjoying CompareRewards & the QR Shopblog ~ you go, girl!

    Have a great day!

  3. Hi ~

    Been meaning to email you & say congrats on the referral bonus you should've received, recently, for me reaching $5 in earnings. Saw your name here & decided to do it, this way. Sure hope you see it!

    I really like it, here. Very friendly-feeling folks!

    (aka 'send-me')
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3