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20 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Wha is a TT? Sorry! I can't PM anyone at all, not just you. It says I don't have access to that option. Thanks!
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Cindy,
    I'm new to the site and have a few questions! I can't seem to private message you. I've tried following the instructions but the feature doesn't seem to work. Thanks!
  3. View Conversation
    Cindy I requested to join at 12:45 today, where do you reply with your answer.


    I had a option to leave a group, said could not be a member of both.
    When I click on leave group sez I am not a member, then goes back to join SM members group. I signed up again, I am not sure what to do here.
  4. View Conversation
    Hello Cindy, I apparently screwed up my request to join the SM lounge....can you please deny me so I can put my password in? Thank you! Lynn
  5. View Conversation
    Just made a purchse from They have the best prices on the ponyo dvds. DVDS are 29.99 everywhere else but only 19.99 at but, I went for 2 of the Ponyo dvd Plush Gift Sets on sale for $26.99 with free shipping. Thought you might want to post somewhere.
  6. View Conversation
    It is a really hard to tell the way they have the sidebar.

    The subjects section is where I bought my books, and it is on the sidebar, but maybe they mean the section that says totally TOS, which is mostly ebooks.

    You might want to contact them just to clarify it must come from the Totally TOS so you can add it to the listing.

    Thanks for your help.
  7. View Conversation
    Old Schoolhouse magazine TT. If only $39 qualified (then that was a 5 year subscription) and they are not paying anyting on the books on the sidebar as they stated.
  8. View Conversation
    Sorry been sick and not on computer much, let he kids do the scratch offs. I onlynoticed your message this morning after I left message on forum about
    disney Store deals. I had problems submitting the ticket first time screne went blank so I redid but it ended up submitted twice. Hope i did the headers right.
  9. View Conversation
    Thanks so much I placed a $125 order so we will see.
  10. View Conversation
    Old Schoolhouse Magazine (The) Details: Earn 8% back on subscription purchases.

    This listing says pays 8% on subscription but was wondering if I could also get 8% on other purchases from the site like books?
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About sunshinecindy

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If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.


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10-26-2010 11:13 AM
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12-16-2010 05:16 PM
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  1. Anna Anna is offline

    I Know My Sunshine Rewards!

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  2. bs4free bs4free is offline


  3. faithhope faithhope is offline

    I'm a Sunshine Rewards Junkie

  4. Hedy Hedy is offline

    I'm flattered for some weird reason.

  5. icartjetta icartjetta is offline

    Crap, I hate games. If I see naked people they better be good looking.

  6. jl8595 jl8595 is offline

    I'll join your party!!

  7. m4travels m4travels is offline

    Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.

  8. Magical JenK Magical JenK is offline

    I'm weird like that

    BAMM!! Right in the eye!!

    Magical JenK
  9. MouseUnlimited MouseUnlimited is offline

    Sharing the Sunshine

  10. Pooh's Pal Pooh's Pal is offline

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    Pooh's Pal
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