getting my first gift card!
Type: Posts; User: lanny76
getting my first gift card!
thanks! I was just late getting around to it......hope I make SM this quarter and I will remember sooner!
Not sure where this should go technically, but I have been wondering for quite some time why my request to join the SM forum has never been approved, when I sent it in 2 months ago! I did the right...
i just did a SH and it didn't credit right away or on the hour either......bummer because I did one earlier that I apparently got booted from after I put in my zip code at the end. grrrr......this is...
I also have 2 pending from yesterday, 5/12, from sears and walmart, I think.
just completed 2 surveys, one on insurance, one on heartburn meds, and at the end both said I didn't qualify, then it goes to the tech difficulties page. what is up with this?! irritating that the...
got the message for Samplicious just now, too. how odd!
I quite happily see that GF now credits automatically.....took me a bit to catch on it was doing that! So no complaint here on that!:thanks:
yup, Amp problems here too. Good to know it's not just me.....
Did finally manage a Samplicious......however the other surveys are being unfriendly as is the norm for me anymore! :rolleyes: If I can...
finally managed a SH for the 1st time this month.....sheesh, only took 15 days:rolleyes:
I take it GF no longer reimburses (or whatever word you want to use for it) for surveys with technical errors? I just took one that thanked me for completing and then told me I didn't...
I personally don't like it.....
got a nice short one finally, in FF! :)
On IE it let me in for one try, but now is doing the same thing as in FF.
Did not work on Firefox, it just had the option 'none of the above' for survey and when I clicked the button, nothing happened. so I went to IE and it worked, options available, got into a survey....
got several yesterday, a couple before that, diddly-doo-squat today!
getting that still, too. also no DS, no amp, no entries for me yet today for the contest.
Credit: MTC Long Daily Survey 01/22/2011 1.15 Credits 01/22/2011 Paid
Credit: MyView Daily Survey 01/22/2011 0.60 Credits 01/22/2011 Paid
GF for Saturday
#2109462 Paid Signup: Chosen-winner 0.30 Credits 01/22/2011 Paid
2109451 Credit: SSI Daily Survey 01/22/2011 0.60 Credits 01/22/2011 Paid
2109247 Paid Signup: GrandSavingsCenter - Cheesecake Factory 0.40 Credits 01/21/2011 Paid
2109210 Credit: MyView Daily Survey 01/21/2011 0.60 Credits 01/21/2011 Paid
SurveyHead Router
my apologies, it actually failed to credit :(