Good job to all the new super members. This is the first quarter in the past 5 that I haven't made super member. In part due to the new job taking up time and probably also in part to aging out of...
Type: Posts; User: jaydubz
Good job to all the new super members. This is the first quarter in the past 5 that I haven't made super member. In part due to the new job taking up time and probably also in part to aging out of...
Just tried it. Let's see what happens.
Credited at lunch. Thanks for the little boost to the account!
Signed up. Need all the credits (and burgers!) I can get....
Just took one. Waiting for credit (10:41 a.m)
UPDATE 11:11: Credit Rec'd
#2383271 Paid Signup: MyView Test 0.50 Credits 02/24/2013 Paid
Which surveys do you have the MOST problems with?
Problems: LiveSample -- Incredibly hard to get credits; MTC --So very hard to qualify; SurveyHead -- doesn't store any information and have to...
This looks neat. Let's give it a try.
maybe sheshopsaround?
Without a doubt my favorite vacation memory was my first trip to WDW with my children. DD was 6 DS 4. We piled the entire family, including M-I-L, into the mini-van and headed south for a wonderful...
#2376968 Credit: SSI Daily Survey 01/30/2013 0.60 Credits 01/30/2013 Paid
#2376947 Credit: Greenfield/Toluna Daily Surveys 01/30/2013 0.75 Credits 01/30/2013 Paid
#2376817 Credit: SSI (2) Daily Survey 01/30/2013 0.50 Credits 01/30/2013 Paid
#2376820 Credit: Give UsYourTwoCents (Super Members) 01/30/2013 0.60 Credits 01/30/2013 Paid
I got it too!! What a treat. Happy Birthday to all the Sunshine Staff!!
I just got my first Sunshine mail today. I ordered mine on 12/15, 5 weeks ago. Right in that 4-6 week window.
Well I didn't win a prize this year, but thanks for the contest and congrats to all the winners!!!
Current Balance: 1000.36
OMG! I can't believe I made it to $1000!!!!
Well then I am going to go ahead an just assume that they will be excluding the Google Nexus Tablet
Model#: NEXUS7 ASUS1B32
Maybe Office Depot or Staples is better to you?
Hello!! Can anyone tell me if Walmart will pay their cash back on electronics? Seems like a pretty basic question but I noticed that other merchants specifically exclude electronics, and Walmart...
found one too (about a week ago :D )
#2349932 Paid Signup: Halloween Party Treat Bag 2012 0.05 Credits 10/23/2012 Paid
Thanks SR! You all Rock!!
I havent' had much luck witht these facebook offers (they seem to be hit and miss) but I'll give it a try. 4:15 pm 10/17/12
Oh SNAP, 4:23 credited already!!
Thanks Tricia and all!!!
Signed Up
Went Out
Came Back
Had Credits
Fifth quarter in a row and each quarter that I've been a SR Member. Woot!
For everyone who isn't quite there yet, keep plugging away. I had a lousy July/August period and was pretty sure that I...
Wow, after more than a month I finished up by 10th six pack of six packs:
#2336078 Credit: SSI (2) Daily Survey 09/11/2012 0.50 Credits 09/11/2012 Paid
#2336067 Credit: SSI Daily Survey...
It's been too long since my last six pack. Tonight I got the 5th part of my 10th six pack of six packs
#2325906 Credit: SSI (2) Daily Survey 08/09/2012 0.50 Credits 08/09/2012 Paid
And good riddance. Oh don't get me wrong, I still visit SR regularly (well except for that week on vacation in Tennessee but I digress), but this July seems like it was exceptionally lousy. At...