Dyna is gone from the survey page, it is done now to?
I got a Dyna in Your just now, I did not know it was Dyna did not get that ling fill in page, when I do I click out of them, them, cant see...
Type: Posts; User: jtowner
Dyna is gone from the survey page, it is done now to?
I got a Dyna in Your just now, I did not know it was Dyna did not get that ling fill in page, when I do I click out of them, them, cant see...
Same for thing I just had one offered it stated 170 minutes long, keep your .50 survey I say. That was my one and only offer, I guesss they did not appprcaited me clicking out of it.
I see what you are talking about today, I have 4 two of them took the required time, and got to the end both said I do not qualify, one was 25, other 15, I am done tdy with that.
That is very upsetting, I thought mine were bad, yours is worse, I just kept getting no surveys today,
Toeay was the first time since 11/27 that I could get into Dyna got all four that is hard to believe since they used to have for a day for years.
just tired got in okay, but got this, been several days since I have gotten any.
No surveys are available.
We could not find a survey match at this time.
Please try again later.
Today Dyna is going to Sayso, not sure that is a good sign.
Dyna is not working today, error page
Most of them now are NRG, which are very long and they cut you out a lot also. It sounds like they are trying to discourage people from taking them, at least I think on one would do those time frames...
Got in today the first time in 4 days, the first survey in was 70 minutes, I would not that the nerve to ask anyone to do that for .50, every offer was almost 25 to 30 minutes, things have certainly...
I got the same thing today, just clicking into the survey, so I guess they are having issues This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree...
If it did credit there is no reason not to, Dynamite ends with error always does credit.
I have not seen that before, could not get in today, could be had to do with the issue they had the other day, I think it it happened twice I would leave it alone today.
Thanks for update, it was not when I checked about 3, good to know
Your is working now, Dyna still down.
I am getting same error, also same thing for me with Your today, could be a server error. Could be both using the same server. I seldom get Champ, Say works for me well.
we are experiencing some...
GF was the same thing I have been trying goes right to no surveys without any questions, not sure that link works. I say that because its the same thing it has been saying for several weeks at least...
Like me you do Dyna often, it could be there are just no surveys you have not tried or completed that they have. I just checked I did not get in 4 days starting 8-13, so it seems we are about the...
I ama thinking it is the lack of surveys since it the same for all of sites now, Champ is very hard to find one anymore, Dyna for me has been off more than on, this week I was able to get them Mon...
They have been so inconsistent, it was never liked that in the past, unless they are making changes is all I can think of. Since Trish did not comment, could be she does not know either.
First time in a while able to get into Dyna and complete 4, do not like all athe ?s but need to do it now.
I got in one day that was it,when they started the shut down, same reply for me, after they let you answer all of the guestions then tell you know, that is wrong
I got that yesterday mid morning, did not try again, will try later on to see. I had luck with the4 new one we got I forget to try it, not the survey page, Sample Champs Router, it also uses Dyan,...
It opened for me today, maybe they were down to check us all out, it is crediting also
This is what I get now, before when I was blocked it said you are blocked it just gives me this page, not sure why.
No surveys are available.
We could not find a survey match at this time.