Dynata has been gone over 4 months. Is it safe to assume that they are gone for good? I think I can do theirs somewhere else, but have held off due to loyalty to SR.
Type: Posts; User: SCard
Dynata has been gone over 4 months. Is it safe to assume that they are gone for good? I think I can do theirs somewhere else, but have held off due to loyalty to SR.
just noticed it was gone and wondering if this does confirm that it is gone for good. Guess is I get one in another SR survey I may as well try it.
would be good to know status.
clicked in to try just now and ended up at the NCP panel to join. :cry:
hope it's just a temporary thing at year end.
no ITC or YS today either.
I did manage to get the 4, but took a long time. I got kicked out of a lot and chose not to do some based on the length. 170 minutes, 36 minutes. seems like a lot of them are considerably longer than...
just completed one. they have been getting harder to get. I think this last week I had at least 2 days that I could not get into any. one day only got 1.
for me, getting kicked out of a lot early in...
today, I did not get into a single one, just no surveys from the start.
I have 2. 25+minutes into an 18 minute one and end up with survey is closed.
has been really tough with them, first to get in and then getting credit at the end. Since the contest started have...
same thing for me in Chrome. Tried Edge and sent me into BizKnowledge
thanks for the info. hope they notice before Monday, but understand that may not happen. Not every company works on the weekends like you do!
thanks for the heads up, have not tried yet today
today I saw 30,31, 35,40 and 70 minutes. just now 120 minutes. :headache:
I can't get in today. I agree on how long they are now. Most are 25-35 minutes and more often then used to happen, get sorry not a match at the end. Getting kicked out of a lot, especially the ones...
the first time it happened ( finishing a survey) actually did credit; surprised. won't do anymore.
completed a Dynata and got this at the end, have never seen this before:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Dynata is working
Say so used to get maybe 80% of the time,now down below 50% and rarely can get it on the weekends, especially Sundays
Tried Dynata several times today, both browers:
An error occurred.
We're looking into this issue. Please try again later.
Could not get it at all yesterday. Also no YS, Say So, ON. only got...
tried it and got no surveys right away, will try again
thanks for checking, so maybe 4 days is not out of the ordinary
I agree, seems like they are all really slow right now. Tried Say so three times, got nothing. YS goes right to no surveys.
Today was day 4 of no Dynata for me. :-( I think they own another survey/rewards site that I used to use before I found SR; wonder if they might be directing surveys there.
Sample Champ used to...
it's disappointing because we can do 4 of theirs; would be different if it was one that only allows 1/day.
Third day in a row no Dynata. Does not seem to matter what time of day I try my first attempt.
Yesterday I did not get one single survey: no Dynata, no YS, no Say so, no Sample Champ, no One...
Looks like Dynata has become an every other day thing for me. Had been down to 4-5 days/week, now its every other day. Disappointing.
me too on getting 4.there is more time involved but at least if you are willing to put in the time, you can usually get the 4
another day no Dynata, worked yesterday.
Seems the pattern is one day it works, next it does not. At most 3, maybe 4 days a week can get into surveys.
Without the 4 Dynata/day it's going to be...