Got credit!
Type: Posts; User: wilsonfamily4
Got credit!
I just tried it, so not long enough to know if has credited or not, but YES you download something. Did that on our older computer. hate downloading things!! Also you get an email from them that...
Was finished taking one on a space movie when it went to an error 400 page and will not be refreshed. Always more upsetting when it is at the very end and you are just waiting for that credit page!!
Thanks! Got that on the hour
I had that one yesterday. I finally copied and pasted the URL to another tab and refreshed it and it worked and actually credited. But that was an annoying survey!!!
#2327636 Credit: MyThoughtCounts/AMP (Daily) 08/15/2012 0.90 Credits 08/15/2012 Paid
I have made over $5.00 in surveys today. past my daily goal of $4.00!
#2327619 Credit: YourTwoCents Daily Opinion Survey 08/15/2012 0.50 Credits 08/15/2012 Paid
#2327618 Credit: Greenfield/Toluna Daily Surveys 08/15/2012 0.75 Credits 08/15/2012 Paid
Shocked this one credited because I refreshed and went back in this one so many times when it would bug...
#2327574 Credit: SSI (2) Daily Survey 08/15/2012 0.50 Credits 08/15/2012 Paid
#2327572 Credit: Survey Head Router 08/15/2012 0.80 Credits 08/15/2012 Paid
#2327551 Credit: Global Test Market Survey USA (Daily) 08/15/2012
#2327548 Credit: MyView Daily Survey 08/15/2012
#2327543 Credit: SSI Daily Survey 08/15/2012
It really is. Trying to get 6-7 a day and so far so good. And some of them credit so fast!!
I've already done/got credit for three and it's only 7 AM.
Been a LONG time since I have done Sunshinerewards. But I am back and I have to say I love the nine daily surveys addition. It is so nice to see them all in one space, see which ones are crediting...
Let us know what you think of it when it comes!! I also love it and we are in the middle of buying a house. This might work great in it!!
Thank you, went and checked and I have recieved my amazon code. :)
when they credit I should be 7/30. Doing good.
That is one more then I had last month. :)
Easy and my family loves road trip so I love looking at state tourism stuff anyway.
Bummer, my did not come through. Doesn't matter too much though I enjoyed the stay! I bet you enjoyed the upgrade!
I'll join but I haven't been on in awhile so I am starting small for the month.
I would like to do 30 surveys in January. Hope to do more other months.
And my goal is 2 pounds a month every...
I did an amazon cashout on November 29. I hadn't done one of those in awhile so I can't remember how those are distributed and I need to watch my junkmail for it. Does anyone have an idea on when...
I was the same way. I love my books, the paper kind. Loved them cluttering my room. :) But then I got to not liking the clutter and have been trying to be "greener." Supposedly if you read 40...
Amazon doesn't make the prices, the publishers do. Supposedly it has something to do with publishers not wanting Amazon to be the biggest seller and they don't want people to stop buying their...