First and probably most important concerning food, I had heard that Handy Manny was to be at H & V starting on May 9th so I booked that for breakfast so that DGS9months could see him. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny!! On May 11, we went to H & V for breakfast at 8:10, which is a great time to go since there is hardly anyone there and you can walk right down the middle of DHS without many people being there (like us and two others!) and it's an awesome feeling! We got to DHS about 7:50, got through security, and was at H & V about 8:00. We were seated less than 5 minutes later. The service at H & V was great! Our server was Charlie and he was very attentive. The food was the normal breakfast food with chorizo and eggs added in and everyone in our group thought the food was great. We all left stuffed and ready for a big day of watching Playhouse Disney over and over and over!! (You'll do anything for a grandchild!)
Back to the characters. First we saw JoJo. DGS wasn't sure about him but he interacted with him anyway. Then Leo came over. He was warming up by this time and was ok with him. Then June came over... he was terrified of her. He didn't look like it to her face but would turn and look at us like he was about to mess up his britches!! This was all before we ever got a plate! We got our food and sat back down and Handy Manny came over. He loved him!!! By this time, it was time for the singing and dancing so we took DGS over to that area and wouldn't you know it, they sang the Hot Dog song!! DGS was just beside himself! The characters came back around again--he was still terrified of June!-- and we stayed for one more round of the singing and dancing. We were out of H & V by 9:05 and were off to TSM. I would definitely do this again and again! Well, maybe I would hide him in the bathroom when June came by next time!
The other thing I wanted to tell you was that when we ate at Pinnochio Village House, there was an added menu item that wasn't on the menu but on a piece of paper on the cash register. It was chicken parmegian with orzo. I'm a fool for some rice so of course I had to try it!

It was awesome!! I would highly recommend it! I forgot to take pictures of it or I'd post them but it was a plate full and was great tasting.
Here's a pic of Manny with DD and DGS.