This is just a quick note to share with the forum that I'll be moving on from Sunshine Rewards as an employee. I so appreciate each and every one of you for making me feel welcome here and for calling me friend. It has been a pleasure serving you and helping to take care of you. I hope that my level of service has met and sometimes exceeded your expectations!
While I'll no longer be working for SR, I'll still be here chatting and taking advantage of great deals! I'll continue to blog at Chatty Women every now and then as well. I'm looking forward to participating as a member and enjoying all of the fun and games that Tricia and Cindy will bring us.
I know that Tricia and Cindy are 110% committed to all of you. They have already stepped in to take over my responsibilities and ensure that members are well cared for in the transition. A big thanks goes to both of them for teaching me so much and allowing me the opportunity to be a part of this business.
My last day is set for November 6th.