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Thread: Survey troubles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sacramento Region

    Default Survey troubles

    I am having troubles qualifying for surveys lately. I will do the survey 5 times and then I give up. Anyone else having these issues?

    This is happening with the daily as well as the greenfield, two cents, etc.

    It is very frustrating. How am I ever going to get the bonuses for doing the right number of surveys in a given month when I can never qualify. Any suggestions would definitely be helpful.


  2. #2
    chipndale's Avatar
    chipndale is offline All this talk makes me want a ginormous glass of bubbly!
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    I understand your frustration and all I can say is to just keep trying at different times of the day. Usually I was able to get a Greenfield Daily Survey between 10am and noon. Now, I only seem to get a DS late in the evening around 11pm. Although it is frustration, it is great to see that bump in your account the next morning after the ds credits. Good Luck and keep trying!
    Go Pens! Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
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    You aren't alone in having problems qualifying for a survey...
    Try not to get too frustrated... it comes and goes in cycles... right now greenfield/daily doesn't have any surveys for me...but hopefully they will load some more in that I "fit" in a few days.

    It isn't something you can control at all... nothing you can change... so don't stress about it... just make sure to check the greenfield/daily ones multiple times a day.

    I laugh at myself, because in a few months my big kid will turn 13 and I'll be able to finally check off that have a teenager box and hopefully get more surveys.
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  4. #4
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    ive been having issues too, qualifying (i fit some options) but no survey available. with the greenfield daily and the 2 cents (canadians cant do the other ones). it is very very frusterating.... i dont try more than like 2 or 3 times though... does trying more then once work, like, one right after the other? (meaning, no/little time in between)?

    usually if i dont get a survey for the main greenfield i dont bother with the 2 cents one, since its also generated by greenfield, which also means no survey.
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  5. #5
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    I work full time and long hours. I rarely have a chance to try for a daily survey during the day, but most days I do get one at some point with the SR congrats page. I agree, if I can't get a DS, there's no point in trying for a Y2C and from what I have read you have to do a DS first, so I rarely get a Y2C.

    I almost always try for a DS before I leave for work in the morning, but I get the majority of them in the evening. Some days I don't get home until almost 8 PM, but I start trying. Some days I get one right away, other days it may take 5 to 10 or more tries. Yes, I do try and then try again right away. You never know when one will pop up. I have found that I have luck sometimes right after 8 PM, and if I don't get one then, sometimes have luck just after 10 PM, but that's only if I'm still up. I think what is key is to keep trying multiple times.

    I don't let myself get frustrated over getting one or not getting one. My view is that I really like surveys, it's a fun challenge for me to get one every day, and I love the bump in my account. I just focus on how great I'm going to feel when I go to Disney with all my gift cards earned on SR! Good luck, keep trying those DS and don't stress! This is an awesomely fun place to be!
    Mary Lynn
    Proud to be SR member #6669

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Claiken View Post
    i dont try more than like 2 or 3 times though... does trying more then once work, like, one right after the other? (meaning, no/little time in between)?
    I have the ability to try all day long. And sometimes, it's literally all day long. I don't sit there making myself crazy, but I'm able to go back many many times. And in doing so, I notice that they add things, or at least they can and do (but not ALWAYS) add things, all day. Things can pop up at any time.

    And it's good that they do, because I've noticed the people who get DSs quickly are on the east coast and are up early. I'm in pacific time and we're late sleepers, so I almost never get things quickly; I gotta work for it.
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  7. #7
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    I gave up trying for over a month and since I have seen so many people posting how they love the new added surveys I decided to try again this morning. After an hour of trying various surveys I still have not qualified for one. I don't get why it is so tough. I am happy for those that do get them and can get their numbers up to reap the benefits and get rewards certificates. But honestly, I am so fed up with trying day in and day out that it is not worth my efforts any more. I have been a member since December and still haven't broke the $30 mark. At this rate it will take me about 5 years to earn enough to change in for a certificate reward. Thanks, but no thanks. I have better things to do with my time than sit in front of the computer hoping that at some point I might qualify and earn $0.50.

  8. #8
    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    I am not sure why you have had issues with qualifying on ALL of the surveys. I can usually get a Greenfield Daily Survey everyday. I do have issues at times qualifying for some of the surveys but rarely is it I can't get ANY surveys in a week. I do think that this is a venture where you get out of it what you put in it. I have been able to get all 5 surveys for the past 3 days but now today I coukd only get the DS. Part of it is that it is now Thursday and people have been taking the surveys that were added on Monday for a few days and many of those have all of the respondents they needed and are closed. I would say that your best bet if you don't want to put in a lot of time is to start trying for them Monday night or Tuesday morning. New surveys get loaded on Mondays but sometimes not until the afternoon. Thurs through Sunday get to be harder to qualify because they have fewer surveys left. I hope maybe this will help a little with your frustration. This really should be a fun and easy way to make extra money and not a source of anger or frustration. Good Luck!
    Sunshine Rewards

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by myers2be View Post
    I gave up trying for over a month and since I have seen so many people posting how they love the new added surveys I decided to try again this morning. After an hour of trying various surveys I still have not qualified for one. I don't get why it is so tough. I am happy for those that do get them and can get their numbers up to reap the benefits and get rewards certificates. But honestly, I am so fed up with trying day in and day out that it is not worth my efforts any more. I have been a member since December and still haven't broke the $30 mark. At this rate it will take me about 5 years to earn enough to change in for a certificate reward. Thanks, but no thanks. I have better things to do with my time than sit in front of the computer hoping that at some point I might qualify and earn $0.50.
    Were you trying to be hurtful or trying to get help?
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  10. #10
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    myers2be, Oh I can hear your frustration. Did you see my post right above where you made yours? West Coast people are well behind everyone else on the mainland...sometimes all the surveys are sucked up before we even wake up.

    Have you read all the "how to take the surveys" posts? You are going sslloowwllyy, reading everything slowly before answering and moving on in a survey, etc etc? You've followed the various "clear cookies" bits of info (that even I'm behind on, because all these new surveys are freaking me out and I've been ducking my head in the sand about them all)?

    Yesterday I actually got into a survey on my first try. Not even sure that's happened to me before. I've belonged since the first full year, I believe, of SR and don't recall it happening, that's how hard it usually is for me to get into a survey. So I know your frustration well.

    I have taken steps back with surveys...I'm in a waltz with them right now...did one, just one, yesterday, did get credit for it (yay), not sure if I have the mental stamina to try for all 5 (five! omg), but when it works and they want my demographics and I've had the experiences that qualify me for a survey and I get through it and it credits...well, the next business day when you see that it credited, all the hard work does actually feel worth it, and helps to bolster you for the harder survey times.

    But ultimately what I realize is that when I don't try, I can't get them. If I can't get them, I don't have those sorts of earnings every single day. If I don't try, it hurts my own bottom line (and sunshine's as well), and that's what drags me out of my moody ruts about it all.

    My biggest tip is to go SLOW through the surveys. I think that's the biggest problem one can have while taking a survey that one otherwise qualifies for. Re-read the "how to" stickies and other posts. And try again. Because like I said, when you finish a survey and it credits, it really does make the effort feel worth it.

    Speaking of that, I gotta find out the perfect order for them all, when to clear cookies, etc I can make an attempt to get all those surveys that others are getting!

    Hope that helped a little bit, myers2be...
    Sunshine Rewards


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