Have done several searches regarding the rules of DH taking surveys on SR (using my account), and I can't find it.....anyone??? He is gung ho about doing surveys while on vacation and I am working......
Have done several searches regarding the rules of DH taking surveys on SR (using my account), and I can't find it.....anyone??? He is gung ho about doing surveys while on vacation and I am working......
I believe that the way the surveys are set up now that the only one he could take on your account would be either the Greenfield or the Your2Cents depending on how you have taken those in the past. The SSI might allow him to take it as well but every other one is tracking by account ID or IP address and is saving demographics so you can't change it up.
Thanks for the clarification. Is there any other survey companies that he may be able to do that don't interfere with SR? I had thought at one time that Tricia had recommended one (a long time ago) that might be compatible.
Yes. She has a list of links on the main SR page. Go to Surveys -> Other Surveys and there are 3 listed there. Other ones that have been offers in the past that aren't listed are MySurvey.com, OpinionOutpost.com, Surveyspot.com, and Pinecone Research.
Additionally, I'm not sure if I found Opinionsquare.com and Permissionresearch.com through SR or not but they won't interfere either. Their surveys are very sparse so fair warning.
Honestly I would change the Your Two Cents and let him do that one everyday. You do the Daily Survey that way you get twice as many surveys from Greenfield because they pull from the same pool. If you are doing both you are essentially using up two GF surveys a day. By him doing one and you one you will usually qualify for different surveys because of the different demographics. You can also do Survey Head because you have to reenter info each day he can take it for you sometimes but make sure only one of you is taking it each day (you can't get 2 credits for the same survey). I have also let my husband take My View for me on days when I am not qualifying or I can't get around to it. Just make sure to clear cookies first and he enters his information on the beginning page. AMP won't work for you because it tracks by IP address and doesn't require you to enter info anymore. However, they never really liked people switching up anyway which is why they changed to this method. The SSI should allow him to take it sometimes too. They don't require you to input email addresses so just have him enter his birthday on the front page instead of yours and answer all of the demos with his info. I think he can get a good bit of them for you this way. Greenfield doesn't want you switching back and forth so I wouldn't let him take your daily survey. You can however switch the your two cents for good to his info and then let him take that one from now. Just don't switch back and forth on that one. Good luck!!