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Thread: Problems qualifying for DS now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Problems qualifying for DS now

    This is not a complaint but rather a real concern over the DS. I was gone the first week of April and I didn't do many, or any surveys. I returned and it was like I suddenly no longer qualified for surveys. I only got 13 the whole month of April. When I don't qualify for those there's no SM so that really added up in lost $$. Last completed DS was April 26th, This past few days DS just says sorry as soon as I enter my info. No list of topics to check that apply to me, just sorry. Out of curiosity this am I tried a SM after getting the sorry immediately on DS. I got into a survey and completed it. I find this so strange. I know there is nothing do do about this, I just really feel strange that I keep getting sorry and then this morning was able to get a SM. Is anyone else finding they aren't qualifying for the DS like they used to? Used to be the higest total for my month.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by luv2go2diz View Post
    This is not a complaint but rather a real concern over the DS. I was gone the first week of April and I didn't do many, or any surveys. I returned and it was like I suddenly no longer qualified for surveys. I only got 13 the whole month of April. When I don't qualify for those there's no SM so that really added up in lost $$. Last completed DS was April 26th, This past few days DS just says sorry as soon as I enter my info. No list of topics to check that apply to me, just sorry. Out of curiosity this am I tried a SM after getting the sorry immediately on DS. I got into a survey and completed it. I find this so strange. I know there is nothing do do about this, I just really feel strange that I keep getting sorry and then this morning was able to get a SM. Is anyone else finding they aren't qualifying for the DS like they used to? Used to be the higest total for my month.
    I have been experiencing the same thing for over a month. Most mornings DS tells me immediately that they have no surveys for me. Even on the days that there are boxes I can check on the "tell us about you" screen, get the same thing. Yesterday I never got into one single DS to even try to qualify. Still doing OK with DS but it was taking more and more work to do so. Someone posted last week about how DS used to be the "go to" survey that you could almost always count on, or at least to get a chance to qualify.

    At least for me DS is becoming one of the hardest for me to get into. It can't just me my demos for 4-5 weeks, can it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    ITA. I too only received credit for 13 GF's for the whole month of April.

    I never even considered trying the SM when I don't get a DS to credit. I thought we weren't supposed to do that?

    Most days I get the "sorry" page right away; try several times at different times of the day, but still usually get the "you don't qualify" page.

    I don't mean to be a downer, but April was a really rough month survey wise-and by that I mean-there was 3 to four times a week, I'd complete a survey, get the thank you page-and it wouldn't credit. Nothing changed in how I do surveys, nor on my computer-and I'm usually really careful and slow-so I don't miss a qualifying question.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I am relieved to hear it was not just me that was being shut out of DS surveys in April! I experienced the same problems of no surveys even when I checked options for my information. I was the one that said the DS used to be my "go to" survey. They had many problems last month with surveys not crediting too. It used to be when you gave them specifics they would fix them and credit them, that no longer happens. They seem to be in a period of adjustment. They are switching things around, hopefully things will settle down and level out and DS surveys will be plentiful again.

    The reason you are advised not to take the My Two Cents/or SM survey until you take the DS is because the DS is worth .90 and SM is either .60 or .50
    So you gut yourself out of the extra pay but if you can't get a ds and you can get the other some pay is better than none, although it seems mysterious that they are offered by the same company and there would be no DS surveys...... who knows...HOPEFULLY THEY WILL LISTEN AND FIX IT
    in the meantime I am looking for the new "go to" surveys!
    Thanks bs4free!
    Sunshine Rewards

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Johnstown Pa

    Default GF DS

    I noticed the same things you all have said, I get the same immediate reply no surveys, then I keep going back and hitting it again and then surveys show up that I can try. I also agree it is harder to qualify for one, I get kick out of most but I do mange with persistence to complete one.See if that works for you all.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Was hoping that things had improved with DS/SM but am continuing to get "sorry we don't have any surveys for you, please try back tomorrow" repeatedly - before work, after work, evenings. 2 days this week I completed one and those did not credit and was never able to get into another one that day.

    I enjoy the Greenfield surveys and used to be able to at least get into several everyday and complete most of the time. Now, very few if any opportunities to even try.

    Both DS/SM are green lighted right now and I was hopeful, but nothing. Glad there are 8 other surveys to try.
    Last edited by SCard; 06-08-2012 at 06:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Really getting discouraging... DS immediately had no surveys for me this morning, worked 8 hours, came home and again nothing. That is pretty much how every day goes now with DS; no surveys just about every time I try. My demos have not changed, no updates to my computer, same results using IE or FF. Have Greenfield surveys completely dried up? This trend started at the end of March and I thought it was due to month/quarter end. Picked up a bit from time to time and now no surveys just about everyday. DS has become the most difficult survey for me to even get into, let along qualify for one.
    Last edited by SCard; 06-08-2012 at 06:08 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Maybe interest groups are going with these other survey companies, and not with Greenfield. Who knows.
    Earn Cash Back at Sunshine Rewards

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by OhMari View Post
    Maybe interest groups are going with these other survey companies, and not with Greenfield. Who knows.
    Hadn't thought of that. I am doing OK with most of the other surveys but I enjoyed the Greenfield ones and no DS means no SM either, Thanks!


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