I don't see anything called PureSurveys in any of the networks. But I will keep looking. They do have Yuno, so I added that as a test as well.
Oh! I have been working on integrating a new survey panel page (it would look like the video watching page) that pulls multiple different survey types from one network. They do list PureSpectrum as well as Opeepl, CINT, ROM, and a few others. I'm not sure exactly how it will work, but we are approved for it and need to just spend a little time figuring out how to integrate it into the site and make sure everyone gets credited properly.
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I remember Yuno, used to be $1.00 I think
I see Say So as an offer for .85, clicked on it and got:
No Match!
We were unable to match you to a survey at this time. Please check back again later, as new studies are added often!
am I too early to be trying it. and I saw this most days when we had it as a daily survey. 4-5 times a day sometimes.
Last edited by jtowner; 12-07-2023 at 04:27 PM.
It's strange that Yuno took me into the survey first and then to the Monthly Sweeps page. I also got no surveys for SaySo.
Maybe they only have them early in the day for some reason?? It's definitely the correct SaySo landing page, and it's the page that the network is promoting.
I just reached out to the network manager. He's in Vegas so hopefully i caught him before the end of the day!
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