Some of you may have read this morning about one of the main advertising companies (a CPA network) making a decision to temporarily stop allowing rewards on any of their offers. In addition to all of the offers that SR was running through that company, we had to stop other offers today because the companies that we were getting them from were getting them through that company.

It's kind of sent a chill through the incentive site owners today, wondering what is coming next. On the heels of that, I just discovered that all of the credits that I was given for 1 on 1 Psychic last month have now been revoked, and the Search for Jesus credits are now pending review. This is actually from a different CPA network than the one that started incentivizing. Add to all of that the stern words we got from a third CPA network last week about prepaid credit card use.

Everyone has got to start being really careful about fraud. Remember that fraud to an advertiser can include:
  • Doing the same offer more than once at one reward program
  • Doing the same offer more than once at different rewards programs
  • Doing an offer and then cancelling as soon as you get credit
  • Using a prepaid credit card to avoid having to pay for a membership if you forget to cancel
  • Doing a trial offer more than once in the same household
  • Using any fake information so that the place that you sign up with cannot contact you

Know that I am constantly keeping my ear to the ground. I'll be totally honest with you about all of our offers and our advertisers. The last thing that any of us want is for incentives to go away completely. The good news is that there are still a lot of advertisers allowing incentives. We just have to hope that the things that have been ruining it all so far stop soon so that they do not change their minds.