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Thread: More Fraud Information

  1. #1
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    Default More Fraud Information

    Some of you may have read this morning about one of the main advertising companies (a CPA network) making a decision to temporarily stop allowing rewards on any of their offers. In addition to all of the offers that SR was running through that company, we had to stop other offers today because the companies that we were getting them from were getting them through that company.

    It's kind of sent a chill through the incentive site owners today, wondering what is coming next. On the heels of that, I just discovered that all of the credits that I was given for 1 on 1 Psychic last month have now been revoked, and the Search for Jesus credits are now pending review. This is actually from a different CPA network than the one that started incentivizing. Add to all of that the stern words we got from a third CPA network last week about prepaid credit card use.

    Everyone has got to start being really careful about fraud. Remember that fraud to an advertiser can include:
    • Doing the same offer more than once at one reward program
    • Doing the same offer more than once at different rewards programs
    • Doing an offer and then cancelling as soon as you get credit
    • Using a prepaid credit card to avoid having to pay for a membership if you forget to cancel
    • Doing a trial offer more than once in the same household
    • Using any fake information so that the place that you sign up with cannot contact you

    Know that I am constantly keeping my ear to the ground. I'll be totally honest with you about all of our offers and our advertisers. The last thing that any of us want is for incentives to go away completely. The good news is that there are still a lot of advertisers allowing incentives. We just have to hope that the things that have been ruining it all so far stop soon so that they do not change their minds.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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    We have been told in the past, that if we do a small, free offer, and it doesn't credit, that we are allowed to try it again. Is this considered fraud?

    I personally decided to cut out the other rewards programs I was doing, and just stick with one. This though, was partly due to laziness on my part. I don't want to keep track of what offer I do where, and not repeat them. I know if I just do one, then, it will tell me if I've already done it.

  3. #3
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    I personally only do this one. I do particpate in the one that sends out paid emails and I click on those when I get them but I only have about 10.00 there because I don't do anything else. I keep very good track of all of my offers. I wouldn't ever try to get around the system. I am so glad that I have this opportunity to earn money I don't want to mess it up. I have become very choosy about which offers that are paid that I do. I agree that you can earn more money quicker doing paid offers but it is also a lot more risk. I only do them if it is something I can truly use. I do alot of online shopping through SR. That is how I make alot of my money. I have learned to plan well in advance for gifts and by doing this I can get rewards for just about everything I need to buy. Now if only there were a grocery store online with rewards I would never have to shop in store again. You guys take this seriously. Let's all do our best to keep things on the up and up. This includes reporting situations where we see people talking about getting around the system. If you see this on other boards, the advertisers can too and these offers and others can get pulled.
    Sunshine Rewards

  4. #4
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    I don't want to risk losing this, I wouldn't dream of trying to cheat the system.

    I make most of my money on free offers. I have only done two paid offers the entire time, and one was something I was so very excited to get (Disney books, to give to the kids on vacation).

    I do a bit of shopping through SR, I'm getting better with that. I just figured out I could book hotels through SR, that was so very exciting to me! That's the majority of my shopping.

    I'm going off on a tanget.. but, I love SR, and would never do anything that might be considered fraud intentually.

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    BTW, it is my understanding that we can retry offers that we have not received credit for. I know this applies to the free offers. I don't know about paid ones. I would assume once you try a paid, or free trial offer (like Napster) and do or dont get credit that you are done with that one. The free offers that are "surveys or free stuff" offers can be redone until you receive credit for them. HTH!
    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #6
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    I just got an email from a 4th advertiser saying that they are no longer accepting incentive sites into their program and that all sites that are currently running incentive offers are going to have their accounts terminated within 72 hours.

    And a 5th and 6th advertiser have now sent out emails saying that we have to pull about 25 more offers combined from our site in the next few days because none of them are allowed to be incentivized anymore.

    I also heard back about Search for Jesus--there is a CHANCE we still may get credit for those. As for the 1 on 1 Psychics, they said that every single person that signed up from my site cancelled the service quickly, so they denied every single payment.

    Ya know that song "Bad Day"? I think there is a reason that I have heard it twice now today.
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    Well I have proof from Search For Jesus that I kept that account for 6 days. I only cancelled because the very first article they sent me was a article saying that the bible is a historical account and not an acutal God inspired writing. I felt this site was not going to provide me with information that meshed with my spiritual beliefs as a Christian. I truly would have kept it if the article had been more unbiased and shown both sides of the coin. I am always looking for good spiritual material to read. It aggravates me that they offer a 7 day trial and yet get angry and want to revoke credits because people dont like the trial they experienced. Why offer a trial if you reallly just want everyone to keep the membership. If that is the case make it an incentive with year membership. Sheesh. Now Im fuming because I truly give every trial a good chance. I keep all of the book clubs and I kept Blockbuster online even though I didn't receive credit. If they want us to stick around longer maybe they should offer better products. I couldnt even get the Napster software to work and noone there new how to correct it. All they could say was, "well the best thing we can suggest is for you to cancel it." The same thing with Pricestore. When I called and told them that I was looking for prices on a GPS for a boat, they said, "Well we dont have that right now but if you pay the $30 for the year we may get it eventually" Well crap!!!!! Sorry to rant, but its making me angry that of all the sites this is the most honest and yet they are coming down on you. Sorry you have had such a bad day Tricia. Let us know if there is something we can do. Letter? Petition? Sit in? Bra burning? (as long as it isnt the new one I bought from Miriale)
    Sunshine Rewards

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    What's really making my head hurt right now is that on top of all of this, people are cashing out like CRAZY! I think it is a combination of legitimate users worrying that this may mean that they won't get their money and fraudulent users trying to cash out before they get caught. So I am going to have to hold all cashouts right now until everything gets straightened out. We are now getting credits for revoked. ARGH!

    Just to give you an idea of how big this is, here are just two of the lists of offers impacted by the fraud:

    4 Seasons
    Int'l Wine Cellars
    The Ultimate Financial Offer
    NPD - Speak your mind survey
    Psychic Spell
    2-Day Slim Down
    Robert Allen
    Video Professor Canada
    People PC
    The ScrapBook Club
    Quick Books - Simple Business Kit
    Auction Plus
    Bruce Berman
    Essential Living Weight Loss
    Body Fit Pro
    - Classic Wine Selections
    - People PC
    - 20 Minute Facelift
    - Four Seasons Wine
    - eAuction Success
    - eAuction Success International
    - Quickbooks Simple Business Kit
    - Scrapbook Club
    - Creative Painting Bookclub
    - Woodworkers Bookclub
    - Campaign: [Email Submit] YourTopBrands - Free Apple TV
    - Campaign: YourTopBrands - Smoking Survey
    - Instant Grant Finder
    - Gevalia Coffee
    - Google Home Business Kit
    - Wines Across America

    And each advertising company has its own list. I've gotten 5 lists today.
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  9. #9
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    How sad .

    Are we talking about freebie offers too?

    Is it still okay to do them again if they (freebies) didn't credit?

    Or are we only talking about the big pay ones?

    I don't want to get into any trouble, and I certainly don't want
    this addiction to have to stop.
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    Perhaps a note about what this could really mean for everyone would settle some nerves and calm the cash outs that are legitamite. Does this mean that we will only have freebie offers and surveys? Fine by me LOL makes life easier and keeps me from feeling like I have to do the paid ones. I am certain that noone is in danger of not getting paid their money unless of course they commited fraud by completing these paid surveys on more than one site or perhaps we may have trouble with keeping credits for offers where people cancelled too quickly. This was a risk and you did inform us of this weeks back. Can you just maybe let everyone know where you think this is headed and where you think this is going so that maybe they wont be so nervous? Is this across all of the incentive sites so that the others will be experiencing these issues also?
    Sunshine Rewards


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