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Thread: Taking Surveys?

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    I'm going to send Greenfield the complaint spreadsheet in the morning. So if you had any specific survey issues that you want addressed, make sure that you fill out that complaint. We're much more likely to get the credits when we give good information.

    Keep the ideas coming about how to keep the surveys fresh. As long as I know you want me to keep them, I'll keep getting them. I just wanted to be sure.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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  2. #52
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    Seems like alot of survey options are for those who have various age ranges of kids in their household, and we have no kids at home anymore so I know that probably eliminates me from lots of the surveys.

    Maybe there just aren't alot of surveys for Baby Boomers, but if there are, it would be great if Greenfield could load a few more of those.

    Jeanne - happily residing in Wisconsin Badger country

  3. #53
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    Default I'm Late To The Party....

    But, this is when I get on the 'puter, as a rule. I work during the day, come home about five and everyone knows all the stuff that needs done once you get home. I am unable to try several times a day. One run through and I'm done - if there are no surveys, I'm out. I try for surveys, but I usually do the GF or the AMP. I rarely have time to both. It does take a lot of time, but it is an addition to the account balance. I don't qualify for many - wrong demographics - but I usually try several times a week. As mentioned, December seemed pretty good. I wish I could see the actual count. As a rule, I might get 10 -12 surveys a month. Not many, but I'll take the credits. I would be sad to see the surveys go away.

    Sunshine Rewards

  4. #54
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    I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

    Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

    Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.
    Last edited by MamaO; 01-25-2010 at 10:01 PM.

    Jeanne - happily residing in Wisconsin Badger country

  5. #55
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by MamaO View Post
    I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

    Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

    Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.
    Excellent observation. I'll talk to Jill and see if we can get that changed.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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  6. #56
    jnorth1007's Avatar
    jnorth1007 is offline Got my mind wandering and luckily I didn't get lost

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    I got two of them. The first one returned me to a plain white page so I don't know if it will credit. It let me take another and it took me to the congrats page. It seems I am getting more and more of the surveys that take me back to the white page instead of the congrats page and I never know if I should keep trying or just hope they credit.

    Tried for an AMP but just kept getting sent in circle. Going to try again in a few.

    I love the surveys but life is so crazy sometimes I don't have time to keep trying for them. I always try for them at least once though.
    Sunshine Rewards

  7. chipndale's Avatar
    chipndale is offline All this talk makes me want a ginormous glass of bubbly!
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    Surveys are the best way to earn money on SR. Please don't take them away or I will never make SM again since I don't spend very much money online or in stores any more. We have been on a very tight budget for the past year and surveys have been the main way I earn money. I still try for a freebie offer now and than but it seems like those only credit about 20% of the time(which is expected since I know that I am already in most databases). I think SR does a fantastic job of keeping things fresh and new. To be honest, I just haven't had the time to be on the computer very much since the beginning of the year. In the past, I tried several times a day for a GF survey(until I got one). Now I try once or twice and that is all. I hope that once this month is over things will be back to normal for me.
    Go Pens! Sunshine Rewards

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by MamaO View Post
    I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

    Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

    Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.
    Along those same lines, with the AMP surveys, non regular survey takers may not realize that you can continue to hit the "take me to another survey" (or whatever the exact wording is) until they are accepted into a survey. It might not be clear that you will still receive credit by continuing.
    Sunshine Rewards

  9. #59
    askomsky's Avatar
    askomsky is offline DUH!!!!! Smack myself upside the head

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    Late into the game also but if you take survey's away I wont make SM again and it'll be peanuts that I would be earning. I don't really bother with the freebie's anymore, I've been around to long and they rarely credit.

    I do shop through SR everytime possible, but that won't get me anywhere without the survey's which are my biggest money makers.

    Up until Oct/Nov since I joined in 8/07 I have been able to get a GF survey almost everyday. For 2 yrs 9 out of 10 times I was able to get 2 out of the 3 surveys. Life just started getting really busy and I really do try to fit them in, and have been doing better this month.
    Sunshine Rewards

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    I will start doing surveys again. It does get aggravating to go what seems all the way through and then get rejected.
    Life got in my way and I don't have time to go back every day(12 hour shifts plus DS' needs and his Boy Scouts and baseball, autism support meetings, etc) but now DS announced (We're going to Disneyworld Aug 16) his plans, I have to make it a reality.
    Oh, and can you reduce the payout just a bit.


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