Sunshineguy and I are spending some time today working on a "pending offers" section on the site. We are adding a little bit at a time, but when it is all done (hopefully by the end of next week), it will have the following features:

1) A way to move your offers to pending status so that you can remember which ones you have done.

2) A page that shows all offers that you have moved to pending in the last 90 days that you have not received credit for yet.

3) A way to move offers out of pending that you would like to try again. All offers that do not credit within 90 days will move out of pending automatically.

4) A more streamlined way to request credit for any offers and merchants that you have clicked on in the last 90 days. Including prompts for the information that I need to file the disputes (date, purchase amount, confirmation email with headers, etc). This will help me get the disputes processed faster.

Over the next several days, you will see some funky buttons here and there. Within the next few hours, we anticipate that #1 and #2 above will be done. #3 will likely be done tomorrow. We're aiming for #4 by mid-week.

I think it will be a major enhancement that will help everyone keep track of their offers better. We'll keep you updated on where we are as the next couple of days go on. But don't fret if something isn't working while we are still testing.