Okay gang.........I am planning a trip for November (this is our typical time for going).......ex says he wants to go again and who am I to say no to WDW and when he pays all the expenses for one child!!!

My dilemna is which dates to choose. I am trying to work around the school schedule a bit. I always book it on a week that I know they have at least one day off.

The two weeks I am debating about:

First week of November. My dd8's birthday is Nov. 1 (sat) so we could leave on that day and make it even more special by arriving there that day. OR I was also contemplating flying out the afternoon before (Halloween).....we would get to our hotel by 7 and I would let the kids wear their costumes on the plane. I had been thinking about a costume party for dd8's birthday anyway so I am thinking they may be okay with not 'walking' around the neighborhood this year and starting off our trip that day at WDW.

A wrench in this one is that it will be bumping into what is refered to as Jersey Week at Disney. (NJ schools tend to have teacher conferences for 2 days and with NOv 4 being election day...most parents make this week into a vacation week since kids don't miss out on too much school)

I have been there many times during Jersey week....and it hasn't bee too much of a problem.......now that being said it has become more crowded over the years.

Next time frame thinking is Nov. 7 - Nov. 14:

Great since we have no school on 11/11 and one day is an early release, but flights get higher due to long weekend at the beginning of our trip. I also think we might just be sqeaking in for the food and wine festival (we missed it last year, so would be nice to go again)

I think I am panicking more about the airfare for this trip timeframe. Should I just suck it up and take this week (especially since I will only be taking care of 2 airfares instead of the 3 I usually pay for?)

I am all set with the meal plan since I am only a few dollars away from the mark here on SR (it will be payed for!) and I am pretty sure I am purchasing DVC so I can at least count on a discount for AP's (extra money I make on SR is going to help with paying for one childs)

Okay I have babbled on...........give me your advice........it is also killing me that they don't have the hours posted yet for Nov park hours!!

Thanks, Pamela