Quote Originally Posted by jtowner View Post
Its not you, I have tried a couple of times, and nothing. I would think this being the first part of the month this would not be a issue yet. I hate to get stuck back in the night time for one, then it becomes to hard to get back in the am. Does anyone know once you do it in the night cycle, will it or not allow you to take one in the am. This I am not sure about. Thanks for any help. I will note if I have any luck getting one today.:sunshine2
1. I've found that GF loads "some" newer survey's before a weekend. I usually have few options on Thurs/Fri morning but a ton on Sat, and a handful on Sunday.

2. Also what I've seen is they tend to upload the "bulk" of the survey's more towards mid month then beginning of the month.

3. I have found if you take a survey after 8pm EST your stuck on the late rotation. I will skip a day instead of getting stuck on a late rotation.

Again these are just my observations. I have managed a survey everyday the last few months. Good demographics? who knows.

I've gotten my DS for today but DH is having a hard time getting a SM survey today.