Quote Originally Posted by ~Kathie View Post
It's one of the best investments we ever made.
We purchased 250 points at SSR back in 2005 while we were staying at the All Star Music. Before even coming down for our first DVC vacation we added 150 more points at SSR. All purchased thru Disney.

My "Nay" saying brother in law who always goes with us thought we had done the "dumbest" thing in the world. While two DVC trips later he purchases 150 SSR points. (200 Disney dollars for us as a referral).

Since it is DH, me, DBIL, DD20 and DD18 most of the time we allow the girls to bring friends or we bring DGD7. We've also brought our sons and their families down with us. We never have enought points and are always borrowing but with 550 points we don't want to purchase anymore.

We have ourselves spoiled and we like to take 2 week vacations so that is why we run short of points.

Every trip is a memory. A couple of memories so far have been that our son asked his girlfriend to marry him, seeing our granddaughter table dive whenever a masked Disney Character came within 20 feet, watching that same granddaughter get to meet Jasmine and fly the magic carpet ride with Jasmine and Aladin. And there have been so many more good times. In fact I am setting at our Boardwalk View Villa typing this.

This was by far one of the best decisions that we have ever made....