Quote Originally Posted by marcymajor View Post
Pam & Pat-i totally understand what you are both saying. guess i'm a little spoiled when it comes to surveys. yesterday i got my ds, sm and sh finished in 2 hours and i was kind of hoping that i could do that again. i must have a low frustration level when it comes to surveys and i need to just relax and not get so stressed out about it. for all your advice and kind words, they are totally appreciated and i will take your advice. will try again later and hopefully i can get one. if not, there is always tomorrow to try again.
Good for you, Marcy. I feel bad when I see people getting frustrated over surveys. I work full time so I don't have the same amount of time to devote doing them, so I just move on if I'm having a bad survey day. However, I can see that if you keep at them all day long how it could get frustrating to have problems with one or two....too much time invested. Just try to shrug it off. You'll enjoy your time on SR so much more. Good luck!