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Thread: I'm officially a SM for next quarter! Who is joining me?

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  1. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I DID IT!!

    I looked back at my monthly earnings and thought it was kind of interesting...check this out...

    (FWIW, I became a member in January, 2007)
    Your earnings for July 2009: 12.25
    Your earnings for August 2009: 1.45
    Your earnings for September 2009: 0.14
    Your earnings for October 2009: 1.87
    Your earnings for November 2009: 15.01

    ...THEN, along came December...

    Your earnings for December 2009: 48.42
    Your earnings for January 2010: 35.94
    Your earnings for February 2010: 49.24
    Your earnings for March 2010: 39.09
    Your earnings for April 2010: 44.28

    Can you guess when I started reading the forum?
    Six months ago, I never dreamed I'd make SM, and now, I've made it two quarters in a row. I will be beside myself if I can hit my goal of $860 by April 2011. I sure am motivated!
    Last edited by kristenrice; 05-23-2010 at 11:09 PM.


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