My mom's oldest brother passed away three years ago at 60. Since my parents and her brother and his family had a fight starting before I was born, I didn't really meet him until I was 10. I didn't really get to know him all that well, but the story goes that he used to tell my mom that he became a pediatrician so he could give little babies shots. After he died, my mom waned to make a quilt in his honor for my aunt. My aunt said he used to collect snails, so she and her online quilting friends and I made snail blocks. I think she's made 3 quilts so far, including one that now hangs in his former practice. The story behind the snails is this: A while back, the other doctors decided to see how many patients they could see. My uncle was slow, like a snail, because he took his time with each patient. This was truly reflected when he died--my dad said he thought the number of patients there was insane.