I have psted my favorite dad memory before from my childhood, but I have a recent one to share.

As background, my father is an old, pessimistic, unemotional, French Canadian (not that there's anything wrong with that). He rarely shows any emotion except to yell about the next consipiracy that he envisions going on.

Recently, my dd's school held a "grandfriends" day to invite granparents and family friends in to spend part of the day. My dd is very close with my parents, but for some reason, my mother always gets asked, and often my father does not...I think everyone thinks he is not interested in that sort of "stuff." Well, dd asked both of them to go, and he was so excited...now you have to understand that my dd attends a Christian School an my father is a self-proclaimed athiest (I think more agnostic)...

Anyway during the day's festivities, my dd had the opportunity to recite he speech meet piece, which was the poem "The Highwayman." Now, it is a moving poem and all, but my mother told me that by the end of the poem, my father was sitting in his seat crying! He was very oved by my dd's interpretation and her ability to present the poem, and he hadn't gotten the opportunity to experience that sort of thing before. Anyway, I just thought that was so sweet! He had a great time that day, and came home talking about what a great time he had with all the kids and with dd's friends, and how welcome he felt!