We are going to WDW in May and it's been 11 years since I've flown. I will most likely be flying out of Indy. I'm thinking of getting one way tickets right now and then getting back tickets a little later (that SEEMS to be the best deal right now, but what do I know?) Last week tickets for all 5 of us were $492 and for a few days they were 452 and I farted around and didn't get them (I was going to do it today) but of course today they are back up to 492. It's only a $40 difference but I am a cheap person and we are splurging on flying and for 5 people it's going to be around $1,000 which is a lot just to get there. Do you think I should just book for the $492 in case it goes up anymore? It's still a fairly good deal considering a lot of round trip ticket for all of us were over $1100.

I didn't want to post this on the disboards cause I didn't want to sound like an idiot, you all are a lot nicer. I figure I still have over 4 months but holy cow with 5 people it really adds up!! So I guess my question is do you think that is as cheap as it will go or do I have a chance of getting them cheaper? How in the world does the price change so much?

The $492 is one way.