I love shopping for Disney products. And I have placed tons of orders with Disney Shopping BUT the majority of my trouble tickets here at SR are because of Disney Shopping. I have been advised not to take too long to shop, not to use any coupons but what is shown when you shop (I usually get a discount for being a Disney Visa Card holder but I don't even try for that anymore : ( ) I never go to Disney SHopping through anywhere but SR.
I even stopped shopping there for over 6 months (it seemed hard once or twice but I was very unhappy) I finally decided to go back and give them another try. The first order I placed with them was during a big sale and it took forever to get things in the cart and get them to register. Since this had been suggested as one of the reasons I had been denied credit in the past when it got to be over an hour from first sign on I would take everything out of my cart and clear all cookies and go through SR and start the process again. Long story short it took well over 5 hours to get the order placed!! (Yes, I am somewhat of an idiot for persisting but the sale was great, I had not shopped there in over 6 months and there were some items I wanted for our upcoming cruise). I did get credit for that order!! Next time I ordered pins, short and sweet and got the credit.
Last time I made sure all cookies were clear, I went through SR and I started to shop. They were offering a contest on site I did that, did not win but was given a code for 10% off which I did use on the order. I also remembered there was a buy $50 and get free shipping offer through SR but I forgot to use it when I ordered so I sent them an email the next day and they applied the SR fee shipping to my invoice. WHICH TO ME ONLY PROVES THAT THEY KNOW THE ORDER WAS PLACED THROUGH SR. I placed the order and it arrived but no credit through SR. I filed a TT and Miss Angie has said that all we can do is wait. I know SR is behind me but I am fairly certain that I will not get the credit even though I did do everything I was required to do. This will be my LAST order with Disney Shopping because they have burnt me too many times in the past. All of my other shopping credits with other merchants have come through so I have to say that I give Disney Shopping a big thumbs down.