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Thread: WOW Paypal Fees - Did I miss something???

  1. #71
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    I think it's like I stated before, everyone is trying to capitalize on "blame it on the economy" even when they aren't necessarily suffering themselves. Which is fine, my problem is that they (Paypal) didn't notify us of these changes before this new policy became in effect.

    I, personally, wouldn't expect for Sunshine to be responsible for this new fee that Paypal has adopted whether they had the option to or not while processing June payouts and or any future payouts.

    I'm just thankful that Sunshine Rewards offer other ways to cashout. And I'd rather pay the .44 cent for postage to receive a gift card.

    Although today I'm not in need of cash, I don't know what tomorrow holds, and if I do become in need, then I'll just close my eyes, cash out and be thankful that I can still receive my payout through Paypal.

    Thank you, Tricia for running such an honest and respectful reward site.
    Sunshine Rewards

  2. #72
    askomsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blessing and Miracle View Post
    I think it's like I stated before, everyone is trying to capitalize on "blame it on the economy" even when they aren't necessarily suffering themselves. Which is fine, my problem is that they (Paypal) didn't notify us of these changes before this new policy became in effect.

    I, personally, wouldn't expect for Sunshine to be responsible for this new fee that Paypal has adopted whether they had the option to or not while processing June payouts and or any future payouts.

    I'm just thankful that Sunshine Rewards offer other ways to cashout. And I'd rather pay the .44 cent for postage to receive a gift card.

    Although today I'm not in need of cash, I don't know what tomorrow holds, and if I do become in need, then I'll just close my eyes, cash out and be thankful that I can still receive my payout through Paypal.

    Thank you, Tricia for running such an honest and respectful reward site.
    I agree with you 100% and that's what I was most upset about was not being warned. I would not expect SR to change the way they do things, nor eat the cost. It just means we either find other ways to cash out or bite the bullet should we want the cash.
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #73
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    Can I just say that I am starting to hate the word "paypal"? LOL!!
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  4. #74
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    Tricia - Pinecone is evidently doing something different. It might be worth contacting them (Pinecone, not paypal) to find out how they manage it. I did not receive a fee from them either, and it would display on the recipients (my) end if they charged it. In other words, they did not send $3.55 cents in order to make sure I received $3. They sent $3 and I netted $3.

  5. #75
    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    I do believe there must be a cashout option for just this type of thing because the same thing happened with my payment from PayU2blog. They sent 25.00 and I recieved 25.00. I just have to wonder what options these other places are using and if it is an option open to SR. Not a big deal for me really because I don't cash out for paypal for SR anyways. This is Disney money through and through LOL so I only ever get gift cards. I do get payments from other places for blogging and it they aren't paying it and paypal is considering it legal then I don't want SR to have to charge/pay it either.
    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgates8 View Post
    Tricia - Pinecone is evidently doing something different. It might be worth contacting them (Pinecone, not paypal) to find out how they manage it. I did not receive a fee from them either, and it would display on the recipients (my) end if they charged it. In other words, they did not send $3.55 cents in order to make sure I received $3. They sent $3 and I netted $3.
    Same with ************. No matter how much I cash out for, I receive the full amount through Paypal, unlike with SR.

    EDIT: Ooops ... "that other program" I mentioned is a banned word around here? Sorry -- didn't know!

  7. #77
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    I'm disappointed to see that this issue is only being addressed on the cash out page as a problem with the "type" of Paypal account we have. This is not true. I do not use my Premiere account for any reward program payments, I use my personal one which doesn't have any fees taken out from any program except SR. Clearly, this is a SR problem, since I'm not losing money with any other program payments.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by amykmi View Post
    Same with ************. No matter how much I cash out for, I receive the full amount through Paypal, unlike with SR.

    EDIT: Ooops ... "that other program" I mentioned is a banned word around here? Sorry -- didn't know!
    Please read the stickies concerning mentioning other reward sites and non SR merchants. Its all explained in there.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.

  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by amykmi View Post
    I'm disappointed to see that this issue is only being addressed on the cash out page as a problem with the "type" of Paypal account we have. This is not true. I do not use my Premiere account for any reward program payments, I use my personal one which doesn't have any fees taken out from any program except SR. Clearly, this is a SR problem, since I'm not losing money with any other program payments.

    Unfortunately, this was an issue with Paypal, not with us. They changed their terms for the RECEIVERS of the money, not the senders. We know that everyone has a choice to make which paid click programs they want to use and know that this may be what causes people to use other sites besides ours. However, we can only do so much on our end and continue to be profitable. Our payouts are set such that we cannot absorb fees for every cashout, postage cost, etc. Some of that has to be passed along. While we appreciate the feedback on this issue and were already looking into what we were going to do going forward, the fact remains that last month's paypal cashouts have already been processed and there is nothing we can do about them now.
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  10. #80
    askomsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Unfortunately, this was an issue with Paypal, not with us. They changed their terms for the RECEIVERS of the money, not the senders. We know that everyone has a choice to make which paid click programs they want to use and know that this may be what causes people to use other sites besides ours. However, we can only do so much on our end and continue to be profitable. Our payouts are set such that we cannot absorb fees for every cashout, postage cost, etc. Some of that has to be passed along. While we appreciate the feedback on this issue and were already looking into what we were going to do going forward, the fact remains that last month's paypal cashouts have already been processed and there is nothing we can do about them now.
    I completely understands SR's stance on this, but I thought from Janet's post earlier it was the way the companies chose to pay? I took it to mean (and i could be totally wrong) that companies like pay2blog or pinecone are paying a different way but it could be "questionable" on how they choose to pay. SR not wanting to risk anything (and this is where I'm totally ok and understand where your coming from) is paying the way paypal set the new terms.

    I am just trying to still understand it all, since like Janet said pinecone (just last week) paid me and no fee's were taking out. I have already decided to look at other options within SR for cashing out, I just want to be clear on what paypal is doing or not doing.

    Sunshine Rewards


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