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Thread: Referral Threads

  1. #1
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    Default Referral Threads

    Just wanted to know that I closed the referral threads because I got some complaints. As you know, we usually do not allow referrals of any kind on here. It's usually because the referrals are for sites that conflict with SR. But it's also because people start arguing about them. I've gotten a couple of complaints about the DVC referrals because we have so many DVC members on here and everyone wants the gift cards. If I could think of a way to do it and make it fair, I would because I love the idea of people checking out DVC.

    If anyone thinks of a way to do it that wouldn't cause hard feelings, let me know and we can try it out. Like I said...I think it's a great opportunity. We just have to be consistent in the rules to keep things fair.
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  2. #2
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    Maybe a specific thread where those of us who have referrals to share could put our info, and then we could edit to add when those referrals are gone (since in this case we can only have 4 each). People who are interested could go to that thread and pm someone for more info - the best thing about this scenario is that it's win/win! Plus, as you said, it gets people more info about dvc, which we love!!
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
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    Would they give it to you as a paid offer? Maybe like other states offer us their book and state map?

  4. #4
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    I can't think of any way that would be fair to all but I'll give it some thought.
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  5. #5
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    It sounded like each person could only give out 4 referrals... you would think there was a chance for everyone... I could be wrong about this since I'm not personally familiar with the program.

    I would think a thread where everyone could offer their referral for this particular thing (since many of us love Disney) would work.

    Did the people who complained say why they were upset? why didn't they just add their name to the thread??

    I'm sad to see when it is easier to ban things than to find a way to make them I'm glad you posted this Tricia... I hope a way is found to make "most" of the people happy.
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  6. #6
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    I agree with the "Referral" Page.

    I used to be a member of a website for couponing and there was a section that had paid membership and once you paid your dues you could add your link anywhere in your signature as well as in the special designated forum. They said they used those fees to help pay for the website.

    I don't know if that is the type of program you would want here, but maybe once you reach Super member status (Or even a designated amount of posts)you can link a refferal or maybe a designated amounts of refferrals per quarter. I know that may be a pain to moderate though. But In this case I would make Super Members have the alotted referrals, because anyone could make up additional ids to get the additional referrals.

    At the least, you could always mention that if someone wants to do a referral, they can always do a "paid clicks" submission. Maybe you could do a lower amount like $1 (I haven't paid a whole lot of attn to the denominations for that) that is only available to members or super members.

    I know it might behard to get everyone agree and it seems no matter how hard you try, there is always someone who will be unhappy.

    Maybe you can compile some of the most feasible ideas and ask the members to make a vote, through a poll.

    Ok I hope I helped

  7. #7
    askomsky's Avatar
    askomsky is offline DUH!!!!! Smack myself upside the head

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    Ok maybe it's me but I honestly can't see how someone could get mad over this? None the less I respect your decision Tricia, it's tough to make everyone happy.
    Sunshine Rewards

  8. #8
    m 'n c's Avatar
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    The only way I've seen it work on other forums is to do a chain where 1 person starts, a person signs up under them and then that 1st person is done and it moves to someone else and they get their 1. I don't know if that would work around here nor how we'd monitor it. I think we should just keep the no referrals/no links rule as it keeps the peace and keeps everyone focused on earning free money around here doing surveys and such.
    Sunshine Rewards

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by askomsky View Post
    Ok maybe it's me but I honestly can't see how someone could get mad over this? None the less I respect your decision Tricia, it's tough to make everyone happy.
    Not just you April. I don't see it either. I would think there's enough of us to go around for everyone to get and give their referrals. Kudos to Tricia though for keeping the peace!!

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  10. #10
    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    I would think the only way we could possibly do it (since this isnt a paid forum that is locked to the public) would be to do only SM's and the we have the issue with people who have been members forever but missed SM last quarter. It really is a logistical nightmare when you think about it. If you are the one who gets all your referrals used you are happy. If you are the one who doesn't get requests because no one else wants them then you are happy. (Collective yous of course not speaking to anyone in particular) It is crazy but I think you will find most free and paid forums wont allow referrals because of the crazy amount of complaints that come through from people who didn't get referrals. It is never the people who got referrals that complain. It is the ones who don't. This time the referrals are limited. How do we refuse people the ability to do it next time when they aren't if we allowed it this time? The other issue is that most forums have found that when people are getting a reward/compensation for their referrals they tend to become mongers with people. PMing and requesting people to use them as a referral. While I think the majority of our members wouldn't have an issue with doing this...there is always someone and we have to protect all of you and them. I love the open discussion and brain storming about it though.
    Sunshine Rewards


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