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Thread: DIS Board help?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Grand Rapids Michigan


    Ugh....That thread is the perfect reason why the disboards drive me crazy. I especially hate this one because MouseUnlimited is AWESOME, and I hate that there is someone out there questioning their ethics!
    Earn Cash Back at Sunshine Rewards

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Indianapolis, IN


    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    And of course now the usual accusation that people who post things that are positive about SR must be on the SR payroll. It can't be that anyone legitimately has had a good experience.


    If I could post, I would share with them that it is not my responsibility to know the Disney travel agent code of conduct. How in the world would I know what the rules are that Disney travel agencies have to abide by??? I do know that I am approached about once a week by other Disney travel agencies asking to get added to SR but I have to decline them because I made a deal with MU. So apparently there are a lot of travel agencies looking to make the same kind of deals.
    Tricia - we're sorry to be the source of your bad press, but if there's any good news to come of it, the thread has been deleted (and those responsible have been sacked)

    Quote Originally Posted by cjnix32 View Post
    Ugh....That thread is the perfect reason why the disboards drive me crazy. I especially hate this one because MouseUnlimited is AWESOME, and I hate that there is someone out there questioning their ethics!
    Thank you!

    For the record, Disney has no rules regarding what we can do with our commissions. We've read every word in every one of their commission agreements, travel agent website, and copyright documents - not a peep about anything of the sorts. Besides, we have a dedicated Disney Sales Manager who knows who we are and what we do. There's no room or place for funny business.

    We wouldn't dare do anything to jeopardize our license or right to sell Disney travel. In fact, every square inch of our website and stationery is in compliance with Disney's 20-page copyright and trademark regulation document. We also use our client's credit card information and process payments directly with Disney, while many agencies will charge the client's card themselves and then make a payment to Disney using their agency card - which is STRICTLY forbidden, not only by Disney, but by most travel suppliers.

    We charge our clients full price - never a discounted rate (excluding Disney discount offers, of course). In exchange, we offer "referral commissions" or "finders fees" to our beloved SR member clients, through SR. You can word it however you want, there's nothing illegal or "against the rules" about it - period. It's our commission, and we can do whatever we want with it. We've chosen to share it with all of you!

    We can only assume that the person who posted those things on the DIS is a disgruntled Disney Travel Agent who wanted to be an SR Partner at some point. There's no other reason to post such things unless there's a grudge. We've had a couple of "interesting" clients (who ultimately cancelled because they were mad that neither Disney or Mouse Unlimited would honor their stolen or fictitious PIN/discount codes), but I don't think they were even SR members. Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I don't think we have many enemies

    We are eternally grateful to Tricia for her faith and support in Mouse Unlimited, and we cherish the relationship we have with Sunshine Rewards - not to mention the MANY SR members who have become clients (and repeat clients) of ours.

    Please don't let a few crazies on the internet tarnish your impression of us. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship for Mouse Unlimited, Sunshine Rewards, and SR members!
    Mouse Unlimited - The Ultimate Disney Travel Agency
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  3. #23
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    Aug 2008


    I wasn't able to read the whole thread before it was deleted, but a big thank you to the SR members who stuck up for us.

    I also believe the people posting this thread had other motives. If I needed any further evidence of that, the first poster claimed we had been "turned in" several times. We have never been contacted or questioned about what we do, and we certainly don't hide it.

    We have had slanderous things said about us on the Disboards in the past, and I'm so disappointed to see this happen. Thankfully some moderator saw something inappropriate enough to close the thread. MU is me and Tom, so if someone says something negative, we take it personally.

    I think anyone who has used us will know that we love what we do and working with all of our clients and we would never jeopardize that relationship.

  4. #24
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    So sorry you guys got caught in that kind of mess. I wonder sometimes how people have the time and energy to post that kind of stuff.

    And for those considering using Mouse Unlimited - they are great. Tom was so patient even with all the questions of an uber planner and hassles of dealing with international mail. It made for much less stress on my part! The SR credit was just the bonus on top of the great service.
    Sunshine Rewards

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Glad it was deleted! I didn't see it but have seen other threads where opinions - good and bad - are shared, usually in a civil way.

    And, I also found SR throught the DIS Boards so althought some people are petty, others really do share some great info!!

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Wilmington, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by MouseUnlimited View Post
    Tricia - we're sorry to be the source of your bad press, but if there's any good news to come of it, the thread has been deleted (and those responsible have been sacked)

    Not me, though (at least not yet )! I was very careful with my posts!

    Thank you!

    For the record, Disney has no rules regarding what we can do with our commissions. We've read every word in every one of their commission agreements, travel agent website, and copyright documents - not a peep about anything of the sorts. Besides, we have a dedicated Disney Sales Manager who knows who we are and what we do. There's no room or place for funny business.

    We wouldn't dare do anything to jeopardize our license or right to sell Disney travel. In fact, every square inch of our website and stationery is in compliance with Disney's 20-page copyright and trademark regulation document. We also use our client's credit card information and process payments directly with Disney, while many agencies will charge the client's card themselves and then make a payment to Disney using their agency card - which is STRICTLY forbidden, not only by Disney, but by most travel suppliers.

    We charge our clients full price - never a discounted rate (excluding Disney discount offers, of course). In exchange, we offer "referral commissions" or "finders fees" to our beloved SR member clients, through SR. You can word it however you want, there's nothing illegal or "against the rules" about it - period. It's our commission, and we can do whatever we want with it. We've chosen to share it with all of you!

    We can only assume that the person who posted those things on the DIS is a disgruntled Disney Travel Agent who wanted to be an SR Partner at some point. There's no other reason to post such things unless there's a grudge. We've had a couple of "interesting" clients (who ultimately cancelled because they were mad that neither Disney or Mouse Unlimited would honor their stolen or fictitious PIN/discount codes), but I don't think they were even SR members. Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I don't think we have many enemies

    We are eternally grateful to Tricia for her faith and support in Mouse Unlimited, and we cherish the relationship we have with Sunshine Rewards - not to mention the MANY SR members who have become clients (and repeat clients) of ours.

    Please don't let a few crazies on the internet tarnish your impression of us. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship for Mouse Unlimited, Sunshine Rewards, and SR members!
    Glad to know you and SR are in the clear!
    Earn Cash Back at Sunshine Rewards

  7. #27
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    Ironically, we had a whole rash of new signups come in today, a few of them specifically mentioning that it was because of the thread on the DIS. LOL So the people trying to make us look bad actually just got us a lot of attention.

    What's that old saying about no publicity is bad publicity.
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  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Ironically, we had a whole rash of new signups come in today, a few of them specifically mentioning that it was because of the thread on the DIS. LOL So the people trying to make us look bad actually just got us a lot of attention.

    What's that old saying about no publicity is bad publicity.
    Ha! Awesome!

    Hasn't quite had the same effect on us yet. Hmmm.
    Mouse Unlimited - The Ultimate Disney Travel Agency
    Mouse Unlimited | MU Forum | MU Blog | MU Twitter | MU Facebook

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    don't you worry Tom!! I'm booking my trip tomorrow!
    Jennifer -

    Earn Cash Back at Sunshine Rewards

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Ironically, we had a whole rash of new signups come in today, a few of them specifically mentioning that it was because of the thread on the DIS. LOL So the people trying to make us look bad actually just got us a lot of attention.

    What's that old saying about no publicity is bad publicity.
    There is a bright side to everything! Hope they join the forum and learn more about how great SR is!


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