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Thread: credit for hotel stays and trouble tickets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default credit for hotel stays and trouble tickets

    I try to file a trouble ticket if I don't get credit in two weeks. I recently did one for a hotel stay and got a message that indicated it's not unusual to not get credit since it's been less than 30 days. Given that the trouble ticket deadline is 30 days, should we not file trouble tickets on hotel stays at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Travel is the exception. You should file within 30 days of your completed stay. At that point we can at least see if a "placeholder" credit was put in the system for you, which would mean that just just have to wait a bit longer for the actual credit. If the placeholder credit isn't there, we will usually go ahead and file with the merchant.
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