Quote Originally Posted by linanglab View Post
it was the SR people who truly went throught the divorce with me. (Jen, Janet, Traci mostly...and Carrie, Lisa, Carla and some others were wonderful too!)

SR is an wonderful community. Take it from me who has been one of the beginning SR members! I have earned a good amount and have met - both physically and not - some wonderful people.
First, sending cyber hugs your way my dear...

Second, I agree, SR is a wonderful community!

Third, I have been MIA from SR in the last year because I started my own website & blog (for my dogs) & that can be a lot of work! I don't know how Tricia maintains as many sites as she does when I can't even get a new blog post up each week at times!!

This year, I started a part-time at home job where I'm on the computer the entire time....it's all web-based. Which is nice, but after being at my FT job to come home to the PT job & then poof! The day is over & I spent the majority of it on the computer. Thankfully (& unthankfully) I'm not on FB, so I don't get to keep track of my SR friends on there either!

I have tried to make a point to come visit the forums lately though & see what's new...so Cindy's right...I'm one of those that is reading...just not posting (much). I do miss so many of what we're calling the "old regulars" too, but I think like others have said, w/FB people do a lot of their communication via that now...I've seen the same thing happen on a bully forum I frequent too.

Oh but I AM on Twitter, so I am able to keep up on some of you via that!

Anyway, wanted to stop being a reader/stalker & say hello & I miss you all & hope all of you are doing GREAT!!!!