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  1. #11
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    I did get asked for my home phone number and they did call and verify everything with me because I was ordering $1000. I think it is because of the amount of fraud in gift card purchases. But once I called them back and verified it, they sent it out quickly.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    I did get asked for my home phone number and they did call and verify everything with me because I was ordering $1000. I think it is because of the amount of fraud in gift card purchases. But once I called them back and verified it, they sent it out quickly.
    I figured that it was probably fraud protection on their part. Glad to see some merchants taking steps to reduce it!

    I hope I get that call soon so they can get my gc on its way
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #13
    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OregonGirlie View Post
    Am I the only one having issues buying from this company?

    I'm trying to use a Bank of America visa (that has almost zero balance - just gas purchases this month - and a high credit limit). It keeps saying it's not working. The address is exactly what the bank has on file, it expires in like 2 years, should be good to go.

    I need the $1000 gift card to pay my AAA package soon. I want to use that CC since I get world points (thus a gas/hotel gift card with the points for our disney trip). I'm waiting to hear back from customer service. I'm really hoping I can use this card, the only other rewards cc I have is Gymboree visa.

    Am I alone in the Give Fun checkout not working? I don't get it.
    I know some BOA cards issue one time use numbers for transactions. Does your do that? That could be causing a problem if it does because it may be triggering a fraud alert for the company since they are so careful about fraud.
    Sunshine Rewards

  4. #14
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    Farmington, Minnesota


    Bank of America is almost TOO tight with their fraud protection. It makes me NOT want to use their card. For example the other week I used my card at the Minneapolis/St.Paul airport before flying out to Las Vegas, then I tried to use it for a $40 purchased in Vegas and it turned me down, so I called them and the guy asked me if I notified them that I was going on vacation!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I HAD TO INFORM MY CREDIT CARD COMPANY WHEN I AM TRAVELING! It is nuts and I have had problems with them when I have charged at a couple of different online places in one day. Sucks in some ways, but I know they are just trying to protect us.

    But I am sure the reason it was flagged is because of the amount. I did use my Bank of America card to do mine for $500, went right through and so far I haven't gotten an e-mail or call to verify anything. So I hope I get it soon so I can get that balance paid off.

  5. #15
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    Thanks for the info. A few answers.

    I did originally try to Bank of America one time number, when that didn't work I tried the actual card number. Still didn't work.

    I've tried ordering a $500 gift card, thinking maybe the $1000 was a high fraud risk, but that didn't work either.

    Bank of America has been very tight with fraud for us. Everytime I do offers, I use that card (I typically do them at night in bed on the laptop). Every morning after I get calls and my card is on hold for fraud LOL. However, I've checked and there is no fraud hold on my card - it appears good to go.

    I got an email from the company and they can take my order over the phone, but then I likely won't get the SR credit for that order ($1000 gift card and $300 gift card). I'll most likely use the Gymboree visa and then figure out what to do with the gymboree gift cards next month (we can always buy clothes, but I was hoping to earn extra money for our september trip). Hopefully my Gymboree card works, otherwise I'll throw a fit. I keep my CC's either low or zero'd so this is driving me batty.

    Joined SR May 14, 2007

    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #16
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    Oh wow, do I feel dumb. I typed the first digit of my CC in twice - all 6 times. This is why I should do things in the afternoon, not 1am LOL.

    Thanks for all your help and info. I finally ordered my $1300 in gift cards.

    Hopefully they'll come in the mail soon and credit fairly quickly.
    Joined SR May 14, 2007

    Sunshine Rewards

  7. #17
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    Does anyone know if there is a limit on the amount of gift cards you can buy with the gift certificate. I need to buy like 50 of one kind and unless I can it doesn't make sense to do this?

  8. #18
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    I'm actually getting a little frustrated with right now. I have tried calling them 3 times to verify my info. Every time they take my name and number and no one ever calls me back grrrrrrrr!

    I haven't gotten credit yet and I'm sure it is because of this hold up. I was really hoping that this was going to post in July but it is not looking too good right now

    My advice to those of you looking to order from here is making your orders for smaller amounts. It looks like $500+ might be a trigger for these verification holds.
    Sunshine Rewards

  9. #19
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    Do you want me to contact my rep there and complain?
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Do you want me to contact my rep there and complain?
    If it doesn't happen today - drastic measures may have to be taken!

    I really appreciate the offer for help. They have already charged my cc so I am not sure what the problem is!
    Sunshine Rewards


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