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Thread: Michael's Birthday???

  1. #11
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    Happy Birthday

  2. #12
    m4travels is offline Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.
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    Default hi dee ho, neighbors!!

    Thanks for all the greetings!! I tried so many times just to get the day on that calendar thingy centered on the 26th, but it just didn't happen. I'm usually pretty good but I totally screwed up the time thingy (that's my technical jargon!).

    Now, I wasn't going to post this cuz in actuality it really doesn't bother me, but what do you ladies (sorry, Bryan, not meaning to leave you out of the equation!!) do when your significant other (SO) completely forgets your day? How guilty do you make the SO feel and for how long?

    Here's the story: Woke up yesterday after a VERY long Saturday. We had people come look at one of the pups we're trying to place as well as someone else coming to look at one of our adolescents (still talking dogs here, okay?). I was bathing dogs, brushing them out, all that fun stuff.

    Mom and dad call (yup, they're still alive!!!!) and I yack with them for awhile. At this point nary a word about THE day from partner dude. I catch on pretty quick that, yup, the day has been forgotten!!!

    The day continues.... I'm taking care of the dogs, trying to get the bloody mats out of the youngster we're trying to find a home for, and then I have to start working the 2nd job (I read court reporter steno notes for a reporter out of Atlanta, producing her transcripts). I'm reading notes, listening to audio of the trial, and generally bored to tears. I decide to head to the gym.

    Now, as I check in at the gym EVEN THE RECPTIONIST caught the fact that it was my birthday! I start thinking.... 21 years.... it's always the same day... hmmmmmmm...... And I tell myself, Michael, it's just another day. Get over it!!!

    I get back home after a very invigorating treadmill workout (thank you iTrain! - gotta get that SR plug in there!!!) and sit down to read more steno. Partner dude says: well, what should we do for dinner?

    Gee, says I, I don't know, is there something special you'd like to do?

    Not really, PD says.

    Okey dokey, says I, how about Mexican? (This is what we always do, so I know it's not a problem! We both love to eat, both love to cook, both thouroughly enjoy tequila - sounds like a Mexican evening out to me!). We agree. But I keep working... and working...... and working. Finally it's about 7:30 / 7:45 and we both have to start work early in the a.m. This is when I drop the line............

    Geez, it's going to be a late birthday dinner, isn't it? (think conspiratorial, sotto voce)

    There was a deathly silence in the room.

    "Birthday dinner," I hear him say to himself, "who's birthday dinner are we going to?"

    PD looks at the calendar and says: Well, your birthday is.........

    (the next part of the sentence is unprintable, I think you can guess what was said next!)

    So, off we go for a Mexican meal (yup, I do enjoy tequila, especially with a bit of triple sec and lime juice!) and PD starts: Well, what should we REALLY do for your b'day, Mikey? (I ONLY get called Mikey when it's time to get back in the good graces!)

    So, I am getting a FANTASTIC meal out at DL on the 15th (actually California Adventure at the Vineyard Room) at my all time favorite restaurant on the resort property. As far as I'm concerned it's even better than Club 33, though that would have been a fun time as well!

    But back to the question: How long do you make your SO squirm when they forget that day, whether it be b'day, anniversary, other important days in your life(lives)? At what point is it just a "eh, it doesn't really matter" over a total breakdown of "how could you forget this day??????"

    BTW, got another dinner out tonight on the first wave of the guilt surf!!! I'm liking this!!!
    Oh, the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
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  3. #13
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    I hope it was a very happy birthday for you after all!

    I don't guilt DH at all. He does that just fine on his own!

    Last year, we were in WDW for my b-day. I had hinted to him a couple times of all the special little things that they will do for a loved ones birthday while at WDW. You know, let the resort know and they will put balloons in your room, have special cakes at different restaurants, all that kinda stuff. So, my birthday was the last full day of our stay. We had plans to do some shopping at DTD, lunch at WCC and relax until 4pm. Then off to MNSSHP. Well, I get up that morning, we get ready, get a light breakfast at Everything Pop, head to DTD. Not a word. I know they have a guest services desk at DTD. So, I tell DH that I've gotta stop in there for a minute. He heads to Team Mickey next door to do some shopping. I get one of those "Today its my Birthday" pins at guest services. Pin it on, and go to find DH. He doesn't even notice. I can't believe it. 17 years together, 9 of those married. How could he forget? I was very hurt, but refused to remind him. So, we do some more shopping. Then at the Christmas shop, the CM notices my pin, he wishes me a happy birthday and gives me a bunch of stickers. DH becomes very apologetic. Said that the trip to Disney threw him off. I quickly forgave him. I mean, how could I not. We were at Disneyworld. I wanted to have a good time. I ended up having a great birthday. The whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday to me at WCC, got the free dessert, a ton of people(not just CM's) wished me a happy birthday. It was great.

    So, a few days after we returned home, he sprained his thumb playing football. He told me that is his punishment for forgetting. Occasionally it will give him a twinge of pain, and he tells me that twinge is to remind him never to forget. So, I don't ever have to give him a guilt trip, he does it all on his own! I love that man.

  4. #14
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    My DH usually does a good job about forgetting my b-day. I usually let him go for quite awhile and then milk it for all it's worth!!! I usually try and get a small token of appreciation from one of my two C girls (C girls being Coach or Carats ) for all the trouble but it usually doesn't work. I typically end up with another fuzzy bathrobe or something

    You belated b-day dinner sounds wonderful. I hope you both have a wonderful time.
    Sunshine Rewards

  5. #15
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    I'm so glad that you are going to at least end up getting what you want out of it. LOL! I can't believe he forgot!! Wait, he's a guy. I can completely believe that he forgot.

    SunshineGuy is usually pretty good about remembering important dates (and we have a LOT of them). He even gets me a card for Sweetest Day every year. But in the off chance that he does forget something, I milk it to the HILT! I usually end up with at least a couple of dinners out for it. And usually a night without the kids where HE has to make all of the arrangements.
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  6. #16
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    Michael I am so sorry your SO forgot your birhtday. I also usually milk it for a very long time, though technically he has really only forgot twice! But I don't let him forget he forgot! I always throw it out there when I need a little leverage!
    I am glad you are going to get a wonderful dinner at DL out of!
    Once again Happy Birthday!

    LydiaSunshine Rewards

  7. #17
    bbangel's Avatar
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    The real question is how likely are you to forget something important to him. Think about the shoe being on the other foot and that will guide your response. As a pp mentioned, he is feeling guilty enough already!
    Sunshine Rewards

  8. #18
    m4travels is offline Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbangel View Post
    The real question is how likely are you to forget something important to him. Think about the shoe being on the other foot and that will guide your response. As a pp mentioned, he is feeling guilty enough already!
    But would I ever do such a thing?? Oh, heavens no!!!

    I sincerely hope I didn't come across that I really would be looking for ways to make him feel guilty. We have too much fun together for something like that to really affect the years. And, hey, if someone can put up with me for this long, that should outweigh it all, right!?
    Oh, the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
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  9. #19
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    Oh, I would have to make SG feel at least a LITTLE guilty. LOL! Actually, there probably isn't anything that I could do that would make him feel worse than he already would. I don't know if that's because he is a good guy in general or because I started training him when he was young.
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  10. #20
    m4travels is offline Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Oh, I would have to make SG feel at least a LITTLE guilty. LOL! Actually, there probably isn't anything that I could do that would make him feel worse than he already would. I don't know if that's because he is a good guy in general or because I started training him when he was young.
    Men may be considered the "stronger" sex but it becomes more and more apparent that the female is so much smarter!
    Oh, the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
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