Choice Hotels

Choice Hotels Cash Back and Deals

Choice Hotels Coupon

Earn 1% on most completed reservations. Excludes rooms under $50 a night, CP Elite Bookings, Choice Net VIP/Preferred Rate, FIT, Preferred Customer Savings, bookings made through a Third Party Wholesale partners. *  

Choice Hotels Discounts or Choice Hotels Coupons Expiration
Stay 2+ Nights, Save 15% (20% for Members) (Sunday-Thursday) 08-Feb-2025
RM: Winter Midweek Promo Offer: Stay 2+ Nights, Save 15% (20% for Members) (Sunday-Thursday) Booking Window: 1/13-2/8 Stay Period: 1/20-2/22 Brands: All Brands 08-Feb-2025
Hotel Deals of the Week from Choice Hotels. Book now ongoing

Find Choice Hotels coupons, coupon codes, Choice Hotels promo codes, cash back shopping, and Choice Hotels discounts (when available). If you find a Choice Hotels promotion on another site, please contact us and we will see if we can add it.

Looking to save even more money? Sign up for Sunshine Rewards and you will earn the following on this purchase:

Earn 1% on most completed reservations. Excludes rooms under $50 a night, CP Elite Bookings, Choice Net VIP/Preferred Rate, FIT, Preferred Customer Savings, bookings made through a Third Party Wholesale partners. * Log in or sign up to participate in cash back.


Choice Hotels Ratings and Reviews

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Choice Hotels
2.8 out of 5 - based on 9 ratings.

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Martha M. from Ohio wrote this review on July 12, 2016:
Be ware of booking the prepaid rate. I tried to do that tonight and mistakenly booked TWO rooms and only need one. Choice Hotels is not willing to allow me to modify the reservation. No grand total is visible before you submit the credit card info. I now have to wait for the charges to post to my cr ... Read More
Kimberly S. from Texas wrote this review on July 09, 2015:
I've stayed at multiple Choice Hotels. They are a great chain of hotels for my budget and the credits from Sunshine Reward are great. Just remember they don't credit until after your stay so be patient waiting on those rewards.
Sherrie D. from Ohio wrote this review on July 21, 2012:
Had no problems with credits posting for my stays @ Choice Hotels. Logged into my SR acct and followed the link to CH to make my res. Credits posted to my acct within a month after each of my stays were completed.
Erin B. from Connecticut wrote this review on November 04, 2011:
Getting these stays to credit is a colossal pain in the rear! They make it sound so easy....complete your stay and it credits. Not so. I have to put in a trouble ticket for each stay, and we have a number of them because hubby stays in a Choice Hotel for business every week. Points DO NOT credit ... Read More
lkat wrote this review on July 07, 2009:
When my husband travels in-state for work, he usually stays at one of the Choice Hotels. Having recently joined SR, I told him he had to make his ressies himself through my account at home from now on ;) He made his res. and his stay was fine. The process through SR was problems. Y ... Read More

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Travel and Tourism    

*Cash back terms: In order to receive credit for your sale, you must be logged into Sunshine Rewards and make your purchase using the links or banners above using only the coupon codes listed. Do not place your items in your shopping cart before clicking our link, or you will not receive credit. Please save your email confirming your purchase in the event that you are not credited. Unless specifically mentioned, sales do not include the purchase of gift certificates/cards or purchases made with gift certificates/cards. Most merchants will NOT pay a commission on the purchase of gaming systems. Commissions will not be paid on prescription medications or where otherwise in violation of state law. Merchants have the right to refuse to pay cash back when purchases are made for the purpose of resale. Purchases do not include those picked up in store unless noted. Cash back is based on purchases before tax, shipping, and handling.