Does your smile need a boost? ARM & HAMMER Whitening Booster has what you’re looking for. This product delivers real results with ease and convenience. You simply apply it to your toothpaste and toothbrush for 100% total whitening coverage behind and in between teeth. It whitens your teeth while you brush! Sunshine Rewards is now […]
Tags: ARM & HAMMER Whitening Booster, smile booster, teeth whitening, toothpaste
[display_podcast] With summer weddings and anniversaries on the horizon, we took an opportunity to talk about wedding gift ideas. With about 55 years of marriage total between the three of us, we had a lot to talk about! Even if you don’t have any weddings on the horizon, you don’t want to miss this review […]
Tags: coupons, free shipping, personalized gifts, wedding gifts, weddings, wine
2009 is another of Sunshine Rewards’ incredible merchants offering a wide selection of discount printer supplies with BIG cash back. Right now Sunshine Rewards is offering 14 % cash back on every order from I love this deal, because printer ink is something I have to order. If I’m going to order and spend […]
Tags: review, discount printer supplies, printer ink, remanufactured ink cartridges
On May 15, Oprah and Glenn Close will be discussing the Puppies Behind Bars DogTags Program. Puppies Behind Bars trains prison inmates to raise service dogs for people with physical or psychological disabilities. Some of the dogs are then used in the DogTags program, which prepares service dogs for U.S. soldiers coming home from Afghanistan […]
Tags: animals. dogs, celebrities, charity, coupons, dog toys, fetchdog, glenn close, military, oprah, pets, PTSD, soldiers
[display_podcast] As May draws close to June, we start seeing more about graduations. Whether the graduation is from preschool, kindergarten, high school, college, or even grad school, we are all looking for the perfect gift and party ideas. Today the Sunshine Rewards ladies reviewed three merchants that you do not necessarily think of first when you think about […]
Tags: coupons, flip, graduation, graduation gifts, magazines, party supplies, podcast