Oct 01 2008

Starbucks Is Ready When You Are

Published by at 1:59 pm under Entertaining,Food and Drink Reviews,General

I love it that there is a Starbucks on just about every corner where I live. I love it too that the marketplace is ripe with competition now that Dunkin’ Donuts is back. But, I love it most that you can have really good coffee at home. Starbucks Coffee is available online and can be ordered for use at home in your coffee grinder and/or your coffee maker. You don’t have to wait until you can get to the nearest Starbucks to get your morning started right. You can make it at home and feel ready to take on the day sooner. All the coffee drinkers out there will agree that your day is not truly started until you get that first cup of joe!

I thought that this commercial was a perfect illustration. I hadn’t seen it before and thought I would share it with you. To earn cash back on your Starbucks purchase, visit Sunshine Rewards. You can find beans, specialty ground, and individual packs online. Don’t leave home without it!


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Starbucks Is Ready When You Are”

  1. Springon 01 Oct 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Too funny! I’m afraid I might have run over the lady using the walker in my caffeine-crazed state, LOL!

  2. Jackie Revoiron 01 Oct 2008 at 3:12 pm

    I love that! It is so me before I get my coffee.