May 04 2008

Sun Safety Kit by Sephora

Published by at 3:22 pm under Beauty and Fashion,Gift Ideas,New Products

Everyone knows that I am like a kid at Christmas when a box from Sephora arrives at my house. In particular, I love getting brand new products that I have never tried before.

The Sun Safety Kit is available only at Sephora and is wonderful for so many reasons. First of all, 100% of the proceeds go to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Second, you get great sample sizes of sunscreen that will fit in every bag and backpack that you own. And third, you get to try some actual beauty products like bronzer and lip balm with SPF.

This kit is worth over $80 and is being sold for only $25. It is available in limited quantities only, so you need to take advantage quickly. Check out my video to see exactly what you get for your money. It’s a great value and would make a nice gift as well. Be sure to check out Sunshine Rewards for coupons and discounts because we almost always have a free shipping or gift with purchase coupon in addition to your cash back shopping.

Edited: The Sephora Sun Safety Kit 2010 has arrived! It is now a $210 value for $30

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Sun Safety Kit by Sephora”

  1. […] on getting the Sephora Sun Safety kit for my cousin’s wife’s birthday.  I got her last year’s version and she loved it. For myself, I’m leaning toward picking up the Urban Decay Stereophonic set, […]

  2. Heather in CAon 07 Apr 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Wow! that uv card is amazing and now I want one! Looking forward to these kits this year!