Aug 11 2008

Sunshine Rewards News 08-11-08

Published by at 11:21 am under Contests,Sunshine Rewards News

It’s Monday and the Sunshine staff is attending Affiliate Summit. Angie and I have been here since the weekend. Tricia will be joining us this afternoon. Affiliate Summit is one of our favorite conferences because we always come back with great deals, new merchants, and fun giveaways!

This week we have two great cash back increases–eBay and Mrs. Prindables. They are both merchants that our members love, and we are doubling the cash back on both of them. We have several new merchants as well this week.

Are you interested in our Sunshine Rewards Disney cruise? Get the info and get on board with Sunshine Rewards.

Did you enter our trivia contest last week? Our winner was Patti Palmieri. She correctly answered that Mario Badescu was the newest merchant in our Back to School Blitz. Patti will receive a Sunshine Rewards prize after I return from Summit.

Be sure to watch this week’s video so that you can enter the next contest!


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