Jan 28 2009

Sunshine Rewards Partners with Loxly Gallery Passion Collection

Published by at 5:35 pm under Contests,Home and Garden

Loxly Gallery
Every now and again we come across a really unique merchant, one that you might not have heard of or stumbled upon but is worthy of really checking out. Loxly Gallery is one such merchant. In fact, we were so impressed with what we saw from the Loxly Gallery at Affiliate Summit that we are partnering with them in a new contest.

The Loxly Gallery is a collection of prints and photographs suitable for framing. The Passion Collection is a series of quotations paired with images, the proceeds from the sale of which are donated to charity. You’ll be inspired and enlightened by the prints in the Gallery… hopefully enough to create your own! One lucky Sunshine Rewards member will be creating their own Passion Collection print, receiving a free copy of it, and designation a charity for the proceeds. Visit our Loxly Gallery Passion Collection Contest for more information.

As part of the promotion, we are also offering an increased 11% back on all Loxly Gallery purchases from now through February 8. It’s a great chance to decorate your home or office with art that is affordable and inspirational.

Check out this video of Cindy and the owner of Loxly Gallery at the recent Affiliate Summit. You can really get a feel for the high quality of the materials as well as the variety of products.


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