Aug 25 2023

AncestryDNA $40 Off Sale

Published by at 2:32 pm under Daily Deals

Ancestry DNA offer

Ancestry is offering a special sale where you can save $40 on eiether their AncestryDNA kit OR their combination AncestryDNA + World Explorer Membership. 

Regularly $99, you can get AncestryDNA for just $59. For only $1 more, you can get AncestryDNA plus access to U.S. and International Records! 

Personally, I have had a terrific experience with AncestryDNA and Ancestry in general. You can read my Ancestry review here and my AncestryDNA review here. I was lucky enough to be able to test my grandmother before she passed away, which has allowed me to preserve a little extra connectivity. Seeing my test, my mom's, and my grandmother's, it is clear that the matches are genuine. Long-lost family members with whom I haven't had interaction for years (or ever!) were identified. 

If you are interested in going beyond genealogy (Ancestry does also offer a free trial), this AncestryDNA offer is a great place to start!

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